Chapter 1

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"Mom! The bus is here!" I yell down the stairs

"Ok Mystique have a good day! Love you!" She says

"Love you too" I respond back

I get on the bus and take a seat. My house is one of the first stops, so there's usually no one there yet. None of my friends take the bus, because they all live close.

I walk into the front doors down the hall and meet my friends

"Mysti!" My best friend Kaeli comes up to me
"Mornin sunshine" says our friend Julia
"Wassup loser?" Asks my good friend Aidan

"Hey dorkus" I respond back to him

Our other friends were already in class so we had to get moving. We got so lucky. Somehow we all got first period together so we all see each other first thing in the morning.

We walk in to class about 3 minutes late and our teacher is standing in front of the room with pieces of paper in her hand

"For those of you who have just arrived, you have all been assigned a parter. You must get to know this partner very well, for you will have to do reports in each other by the end of the semester." she says

"This is gonna be so easy.Im probably paired up with Kaeli or Julia anyway"
I thought to myself

"The partner ships have already been assigned. You will be sitting next to your partner the rest of this semester also." She continued "if you were late and do not know who your partner is, please look on the billboard on which I have posted the results"

Kaeli and Julia
Aidan and Sam
Terra and Olivea
Matthew and Rian
Mystique and Josh
Katalina and Terrance
Gracilette and Ferdinand
Saruh and Felice

"Yes!" Kaily and Jewlia scream

"No!" I wail

I am paired up with Josh. Josh Reynolds. THE Josh Reynolds. Holy shi....

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