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With a heavy heart you laid Asher back on his bed gently. Tears leaked steadily as you looked at him, smoothing out his shirt and brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. Finally you stood, retreating backwards out of the room slowly not really ready to leave him.

Aizawa was just a couple steps away watching you as you stood in the doorway crying silently. "Miss? We need to go in."

"Give her a minute." Aizawa's voice, though you heard it clearly, sounded far off.

Moving wordlessly you turned from the bedroom and left the house. You planted yourself on the curb, buried your face in your knees and wailed. It didn't matter that neighbors looked on in curiosity. Or that paramedics walking by jumped at the outburst. Your brother was dead and the world needed to know.


Aizawa sat beside his pupil and let her succumb to her emotions. He himself hadn't been through anything as emotionally devastating in a long time and had no real idea on what to do but be there if and when she needed to talk. So he sat in silence.

When they finally wheeled out the bodies he stopped her from looking by pulling her face into his chest. He felt her grab onto his shirt and the shuddering breaths she took as she continued to cry. It felt longer but after roughly thirty minutes he was asked to give a statement to the police.

He only stood a few paces away, far enough that he could quietly say his peace without being overheard. And when he was finished they wondered if Y/N would be up for giving one as well. Aizawa gave them a disappointed look. "She's just lost her younger brother and a close family friend. Leave her alone at least for the night. If you're still adamant for a statement in the morning, call the school."

Aizawa returned to Y/N who pushed herself to her feet. "I want to go back to school," she croaked, running her hands over her face roughly.

"You're excused from classes for the rest of the week and the early part of next week," he told her. "No training. If you want to attempt homework I won't stop you but you're not allowed in the classroom."

"Yeah, okay."

In a way Aizawa was grateful that this was traumatic enough to keep Y/N from fighting him on the subject. Ultimately he worried for her. He wondered just how well Y/N would rebound from this and how it would affect her going forward. He was worried that she would spiral worse than after everything with Stain. Would she stop eating this time? Lose sleep again? He knew she still ran in the mornings, he gave up on trying to stop that a long time ago. Would she stop suddenly? He didn't know.

Y/N followed him around like a dog that had been scolded. She was quiet save for the occasional sniffle or sigh. Aizawa was sure she was lost in her memories. He didn't ask any questions when she was allowed back into the house and went back to Asher's room. She looked around his room running a hand along the desk that was littered with drawings. He didn't argue the rationality of things when she took a small stuffed fox from his bedside table or some pictures from the living room.


Classes were already dismissed for the day by the time Y/N and Mr. Aizawa made it back to school. She hadn't answered her phone since leaving the cafeteria and Uraraka was so worried she'd nearly gnawed a hole right through her bottom lip. But everyone had seen the news. The whole class had crowded the common area and watched the report.

So when the door opened Uraraka was the first to her feet, eager to be the first person Y/N saw when she got back. However, Y/N didn't even look towards the gathering of friends when she entered the building. Uraraka saw though. She saw the pain and the sorrow. She saw the tear stained cheeks and the red eyes rubbed raw.

Rising Stronger [Sequel to When the Strong are Weak]Where stories live. Discover now