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Now that you'd said it aloud there was no turning denying how you felt. How you'd felt for months. "I'm in love with him, Hawks," you repeated.

The hero nodded in understanding. "You broke up with him to keep him safe."

"What other choice did I have?" You grabbed at your head and sat on the roof. "The League already went after my brother and Yui. Even now, after all these months, there's still a chance that they'll go after Uraraka and Bakugo and everyone else in my class."

"No matter how much they trust you there will be the possibility of danger for the people in your life," Hawks argued knowledgeably. "That's part of being a hero."

You sat in silence. Thinking. About Asher and Yui and what they'd be like today. Probably not much different than they were before they died. Nine months doesn't change a person that much. Or does it? After all, you'd managed to go undercover in that time.

An ounce of tension left your body as you sighed. "I feel like I'm going insane, Hawks." You rolled onto your back slowly and pressed your pals into your eyes. "I'm struggling to justify staying with the League. But I can't back out now without looking suspicious."

"You need to talk to someone, Y/N," Hawks insisted. "Asher would want you to get help."

"I know." Sorrow filled your words. Removing your hands from your eyes you looked up into the afternoon sky. Birds flew by overhead. Below, you could hear the everyday hustle and bustle of the city. You nodded. "Can you take me back to U.A. please?"

Hawks set you on your feet in front of the dorm. "You know how to get a hold of me, little bird," he told you with a grin and pat on the head.

"I do," you nodded and returned his smile with a faint one of your own. "I know I'm a few years younger than you but you and I are the only ones who have been with the League. Remember, phones work two ways."

"You're a good person, Y/N," Hawks told you. "You're caring and considerate in ways I hope more people get to see. But you need to remember to take care of yourself."

"I - thank you?" You frowned, not entirely sure what else to say.

"I said it earlier too, there are plenty of people that care about you, Y/N."


He found her wandering the streets of Ground Beta well after midnight. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" He ground out when he finally pulled her to a stop.

"I do," Y/N nodded. "I, um, I'm sorry for dragging you out of bed. I needed think and walking around Ground Beta is relaxing for me. Plus, it keeps me off of the city streets."

"You're having trouble sleeping again?"

Aizawa waited as she pondered how to answer. "There's no point in hiding it," she finally nodded. "I've been doing a lot of thinking since I had Hawks bring me back to the dorms."

"I did hear from Todoroki that you haven't left your room since coming back," Aizawa nodded thoughtfully. "What's been on your mind?"

Y/N started walking again and, with no other choice, Aizawa followed a few paces behind her. "I know I basically begged and bullied my way into being allowed to go undercover," she started, "but I can't keep doing this."

"You're doing a great job," Aizawa defended. "The intel you've been able to get back to the pros is invaluable."

"I am drowning, Aizawa," she proclaimed. "I'm struggling to keep my head above the water that is my sanity. I don't want to ruin the case but I want out. I need out."

Rising Stronger [Sequel to When the Strong are Weak]Where stories live. Discover now