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For a split second you were surprised, hopeful even, before anger woke you further and you lurched harshly from Himiko's side to stand on shaking legs. The needle left your arm, gravity pulling blood down your arm to drip slowly onto the ground. But that was low on your priority list. "This isn't funny Twice!" You barked at the open door.

"Twice has nothing to do wi-"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" You took in the familiar form. The eyes that mirrored your own, the hair she had so patiently let you try to brush. How long have I been here now? I must be going crazy. That's a logical explanation, right? RIGHT?! "You are a fake. A creation to toy with me. You aren't real."

"I assure you I am real, Y/N." That smile. It's hers. Hands, small and delicate, reached for your own.

"Don't!" You felt your lip turn up in a snarl. If you had been able to walk through walls you would've in a heartbeat. "Stop this!"

"Y/N, sweetheart, don't be like this."

"Stop saying my name!" Pain ripped at your chest. A sob masked as a growl tore its way from your throat, rasping through the otherwise silent room. Despite the heaviness in your limbs you tackled her to the ground. You leaned over her, your faces inches from each others. "How could you?" You bellowed. "We thought you were dead! We buried you!"

"I was brought back." The statement was so matter of fact when it slapped you in the face.

"The doctors said they couldn't do anything for you. You were sick, dying." Your voice rose to a shout. "I trusted you when you told me everything was going to be okay! You encouraged me to use my quirk on you! Just for you to be brought back!"

Your thoughts raced but nothing came together to anything coherent. Nothing made sense. Almost thirteen years had passed since you'd buried your mother and yet here she was, aged even, as if she'd never left this world. As if you'd never used your quirk on her so long ago. The same woman whose grave you visited as often as time allowed. The number of tears you'd shed over her headstone was innumerable. And she had the audacity to act as though it was normal. As if showing up after all this time was okay.

"The doctors lied."

No. No no no no. You felt a sting in your palm before you registered what had happened. A cheek marred with a bright pink hand print filled your vision. Somewhere behind you Himiko laughed gleefully. "They lied! That's all you have to say for abandoning me?"

"I did not abandon you!" She pushed you off of her and onto your back. Briefly you recalled your fight with Monoma during training camp last summer. "I was always there! Always watching! There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you!"

"Then why? Why did you never step forward?" Your vision swam with tears and splotches of darkness. Calm down. Deep breaths. "Why hide? What did I do?"

Through the tears you could see your mother struggling with what to say. Heavy breathing from both of you filled the otherwise silent room. She searched your eyes as if you had the answers to your questions hidden within them. An eternity seemed to pass before she decided to say anything. "Nothing I say is going to make what I did okay," she sighed. "It won't take back the pain that I caused or replace all those years we lost together."

"Tell me you aren't with them." You set your jaw and swallowed away your tears. "Tell me you aren't with them. "Tell me you didn't fake your death so you could turn around and join the League."

Any guilt that was evident before quickly dried up, replaced by a stoic, unfamiliar face. "They sent me to retrieve you." She pulled you unceremoniously to your feet. Sweat beaded your forehead, both from exhaustion and fear at her next words. "It's time."

Rising Stronger [Sequel to When the Strong are Weak]Where stories live. Discover now