when i feel low

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I wanna be pictured as wise
It's nice
To be someone who's twice
Or even as smart as anyone in the crowd

Could you even think
Even just give me a wink
So that i could even realize
That somehow i am thrice the size
Of what i see in front of me
Reflection of what i want to be

But i know
That even if there are days i go
Thinking that i wanna be someone im not
I actually don't care if i know what
They are thinking, speaking
Because i know who i am
And for that i owe to myself
Love that is not measured by anyone but Him and me<3

I love myself
Well, some days aren't well
But that's okay
Im gonna help my self

To be bigger and greater than ever
Compared to what i was yesterday
So i thank you for the ears that u lend to me
The rambles i said were all true to me
I'm gonna be better and wiser and stronger and good-err
And I'll end this part, giving u a big part of my heart

Mga Tinatago sa Notes (Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon