hey daddy

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Hey daddy,
I know life's been rough
And our moments together
Have never been shiny

The traffic's awful, i know, i can see that
Road's are messy, undisciplined and a pain
That's why i like to say, hey
I hope you have a nice day

With a smile on that grinning big face
As you drive around the city
Picking up people to give us a future
You may seem tough, but your heart is pure

Growing up, all i can see is mommy
Tears falling unto her cheeks freely
A sight that everyday i witness
All i can think about is that we are a mess

Sometimes i wish things were simple
Like i wish that you would kiss my temples
Hug me when i get through sorrows
And talk to me whenever i needed your opinions

But things are quite different
And what i envisioned as a family
Is something that is not given to me
Still, my love for you is still like heaven

Even if you roar
Even if I'm scared
Even if my mind can't bare
I know things will all come through in the end

As complex a puzzle may be
Pieces will fit if you toke your time
Even for a while, and take a little cry
Im happy that now, you start to smile

I love the way you speak your thoughts
In things that makes sense to me
I love the way you explain the things
You're most passionate and truly bliss

The way you show your love in your very own way
I can see it, daddy. I know you love me
Even if sometimes you hurt my feelings
I know deep down, you are sorry.

Mga Tinatago sa Notes (Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon