Peter's p.o.v
I feel like I'm going to throw up I cant-o cant breath I keep trying but it's like I dont remember how to images of May's death flashed before my eyes
'I love you' I looked to the kitchen and pushed away mr.hawkeye pulled up my mask and threw up then slowly slid down the floor it cant it Cant be her someone's messing around with meClints p.o.v
We all watched as he shouted at stark and tbh it was the first time I've ever seen him so serious I dont think he was joking after stark left he started hyperthlating ow shit of he having a panic attack what the hell happened out there? Who was that? But before I could reach out to him he pushed me away and threw up in the kitchen damn it must have been real bad of he decided to go to the people that are trying to catch him.
" hey there uh..bud you doing alright?" I looked at steve with the 'are you serious ' expression and he just glared at me
" did stark track the phone?" 'Stark' does he see him as the enemy now?
" hey how about we go to med bay? We can do a check up and then you can go see if tony tracked the phone yet ok?" He then nodded but once he got up he looked to his right were natasha was trying to get marilyn on top of the couch for the mean time and threw up AGAIN then started to hyperventilating damn we might not be on the same side but whatever's out there needs to be stoppedPeter's p.o.v
I considered going to medbay for the time being because I feel dizzy as hell and I dknt want to be passed out by the time mr.stark tracks the phone mabye just mabye there might be hope mabye just mabye someone tricked me into hallucinating May's death or virtual shit but why?...wait was she kidnapped? Was she tortured only because that person knew I was spiderman? I started breathing heavily again but as soon as I got up to try and go with Bruce I looked to my right only to see madalyn lying dead on the couch I threw up again of course the universe just wont give me a damn break will it?
Tony's p.o.v
I wanted so badly I wanted answers I have never seen him that bad and hes like this whens hes distressed I can only imagine what hes like when he goes on the dark side damn I still dont agree with fury's dumbass choice to capture him but I think I might be leaning on to it but for now I really want to know who the hell is on the phone that caused him to basically LET us capture him
" Pete? Pete? Are you there *gasp*" shit
" no I'm a uh..freind of his he gave the phone to me to track you down please keep talking to me"
" wait is this-"
" tony stark? Yes it is but right now I need you to-"
" of course it is" why waste she surprised?
" you know he loves you like a huge nerd god you should see his room basically legos everywhere" I smiled at the thought wait...legos? Know-how old is this kid? Or does he have a kid? I reached down to the lab and immediately started trying to track her location
" ya? You dont say" she scoffed I decided to go for the question i mean she already gave me spiderman name i guess that'll narrow down the list but just out of curiosity itll be nice to make fun of him for something
"Just curious because he never comes to me for anything he litterly came barging in and screamed at me to track his phone are you his girl- freind or something?" He raspaly laughed at the other side of the line but then went silent until
" wait you guys dont know each other?"
I hesitated before I answered
" uh no..we do hes and intern here" yes! Almost got the location!
"That boy never seizes to * cough* suprise me, weather he blows up the kitchen trying to bake a cake sneaking out at night or meeting his hero *cough cough*" hero? Wait I-im- I cant be that kids hero I'm too..tony starkish I'm amazing not gonna lie but hero is to big of a word, but I'm still curious who the hell I'm talking to is this his wife?
" so you really aren't that surprised to meets me?"
" 4 years ago probably but now not really"
" why is that?"
" cause its him, if you knew him as much as I you'll know because his luck sucks, but every now and then when its actually good luck it has to be something big, so this was bound to happen sometime" peter? So that's his name I looked at the blinking light on the screen and then back at the phone am I am I looking at this correctly?
" can you describe the place your in?"
" uh well it's dark really dark but there was this dumbass that accidentally shot me I mean who does that? Stupid gunstore"
" know-how did you end up in a gun store?"
" you wouldnt believe me if I told you"
I looked at the screen again and hesitated ⁿ could spidermans wife uh..kid? Uh...freind? I dint know be a thug? I'd normally question it but by the looks of it she doesnt look like she's going to make it and I'm worried that spiderman threat might actually be realPeter p.o.v
I finally stopped vomiting but then I looked at her body limp and I vomited again i could've gone all day until i heard mr.stark come up saying something but j couldn't here anything nothing only the ringing in my ears getting louder and louder I slowly walked up to her ignoring the looks o got and shakaley put my fingers on her throat 'dum..dum..dum dum' heh still alive mabye parker luck isn't so bad
"-dey- Pete!" That made me stop dead on my tracks di may accidentally give me away? Shit! Well it's only a matter of time until he gets the last name shutshitsiteshit I need to be extra careful now the whole room froze waiting for my next move but before I could say anything he said something I did not expect
" your wife is at the gun store next to that Delmar shop we first met in" I couldn't help it I really couldn't I burst out of laughter identity is safe smart-ass may
" thanks - laugh- mr.stark" he looked at me weirdly until he said
" shes not your wife it she" I waited I second before I responded God may is going to kill me for this
" no ex- wife" and with that I left the scene with the coordinates in hand dying from the laughter that escaped me and tears of joy