Chapter 6

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As the minutes went by, Gabe could feel a slow but explosive anger overtake his body and threaten to overspill. He pushed down the urge to scream at everyone who crossed his path.

Five of his players were late for practice.

It was bad form for them to be late, setting a bad example for the younger and newer ones on the team. How could he even start practice with key members of his offensive and defensive lines missing? There'd be hell to pay when they finally turned up. He was going to make sure of that.

If Gabe was truly honest, he'd admit that he had been in a bad mood for a couple of days now. He wasn't the chirpiest bird in the forest on a good day, but he had really felt like a dark cloud was following him for a few days.

He could trace it back to that kiss. It had been a spur of the moment thing, a mistake he couldn't explain to himself and still it was all he had thought about since. He was grateful to whatever good karma he had accrued that he hadn't run into her since. He didn't trust himself around her.

Gabe wasn't usually in the business of kissing.  Since, his wife passed away it had been something he just didn't partake in. Yes, he had slept with his fair share of women, mostly as an outlet and distraction. What was the point of getting drunk in a bar if you didn't bring someone home with you? But he drew the line there. It felt too intimate and personal to press his lips to another woman that wasn't his wife.

The feelings of guilt and shame would gnaw at his insides the few times it had happened. Somehow, women were still willing to fall into bed with him, despite it being a cold, unfeeling transaction devoid of any real intimacy and connection. He got off, it didn't really matter to him if they did and he either kicked them out in the morning or they made themselves scarce. That's how it worked and it worked for him.

But not with her. With her, he had felt anything but guilt. He had felt overwhelming desire, and some other feelings he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Despite all of that, he knew that it was wrong to kiss her. If not for the singular reason that she was not his biggest fan, the minute they had met he could tell he had rubbed her up the wrong way.

Also Ella, would string him up by his balls, if he did anything to upset her precious exchange teachers. She was protective over them, especially Natalia who she favoured for some reason.

His key players, the quarterback, running back, wide receiver and linebackers turned up, 45 minutes later. Sheepish, dressed in their uniforms.

Gabe cleared his throat, physically willing for the anger not to seep through into his voice.

"Y'all late."

"Sorry, coach," one of the boys offered.

"Not good enough," Gabe spat, letting out a prolonged breath out so he didn't completely lose it.

"Science teacher kept us late."

Gabe fought to keep himself in check. "Did y'all explain that you had football practice?" Gabe asked.

"She said she didn't care, sir."

"Aight. Practice is over. Rest up, I want y'all back here early in the AM tomorrow," Gabe dismissed them before his fury made him blind.

He was enraged, some jerk teacher that had no respect for his programme and the kind of team he was building from scratch had ruined his practice before their season opening game in a couple of days. They only got three days of practice, and one of them had been shot to hell.

Gabe worked late into the evening on plays and strategy before deciding to get some sleep. He was going to be back on the field early tomorrow and he needed all the rest he could get.

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