Chapter 11

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Natalia was even funnier in text than she was in person, Gabe couldn't explain it but her deadpan humour brought a smile to his face despite his team's massive loss in their away game. She was witty in a way that was refreshing and not at all hurtful. She didn't do crass humour and she was more likely to make fun of herself than others.

They had been exchanging texts since the day before, it had escalated to memes and selfies. Innocent ones despite things heating up the last few times they had been in each other's presence. He had learnt a lot about her via texts, her favorite shows, pet peeves and her family structure. He still hadn't taken her on a date and that bothered Gabe a lot. He was traditional in that sense.

He actually couldn't remember the last date he had been on, it must have been way before he had met and married Alice. He was so out of the game he didn't know what was appropriate or acceptable. There was still a lot that he needed to work out with Natalia. They didn't yet have that talk that he had promised, he wasn't even sure that she liked him enough to have that talk. They had an attraction, it was mutual, he could gauge that from the kisses they had shared. But he didn't know if this was going to be just a convenient fling to her. Gabe was done with flings. He wanted a genuine connection with someone. He was tired of feeling like he was on the periphery; with everyone and everything moving on around him.

The question was did she want the same things? He had baggage. He was a war veteran and a widower with some unhealthy coping mechanisms. He was white and from a completely different background to her. They were as different as you could get. But still, she was the only person in a long while that had the ability to disarm his defences. He was confused and uncertain. Two unfamiliar feelings that he did not like. All he knew for certain was that he liked Natalia and wanted to spend more time with her.

They were driving back to Manor in the school bus after staying overnight, the game had been in the neighbouring county about a five-hour drive away. The boys were tired so the bus was unusually quiet, letting Gabe have some downtime. He tried to nap but was interrupted by his vibrating cell phone. Gabe was a little bit ashamed that he had assigned a special vibration sequence to Natalia already. With three quick vibrations in succession, he knew it was her and an involuntary smile spread across his face.

How was the game?  — N

It was an innocuous enough question but the fact that she had asked spoke volumes.

We lost  :(     — G

I'm sorry :(   —N

She was the most empathetic person he had ever met, not just because she always apologised for things that weren't her fault, to begin with, but because the short time he had known her she always tried to help or make things better for everyone she came across.

Make sure you're at our next game, I think you're my good luck charm — G

I will make myself available, can't have another L on my conscience — N

He had been a bit nervous about her answer, but her response had put him at ease enough for his next message.

What are you doing later? — G

Going out with Porsha, why?  — N

He was disappointed. He hadn't seen her for a couple of days.

Thought we could grab dinner — G

I would love to but I can't cancel on Porsha. She will actually kill me  — N

Now that, I can't have on my conscience  — G

Tonight's look — N
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