Badboy Hotline

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I sat in the aging recliner at the back of the gift shop, tapping my fingers on the screen of my phone. My conversation with Holden was open. His last message was from the morning after he slept with me.

Hey, I had a good time. We should do it again sometime. Hit me up when I'm on spring break?

I typed a few words, deleted some, typed again, then deleted those. Was there really an easy way to say, "Hey, I'm pregnant and it's yours!" through a text?

I felt a little flutter and rubbed my growing bump. Just six more weeks until I found out the gender. I really needed to start eyes went back down to my phone. First, I had to tell their biological father.

We should hang when you get back. I've got a surprise for you.

I pressed send and that was that. The door suddenly opened and Grandpa walked in.

"Sorry to tear you off of your break, but I could use a hand out here!" he said.

"Coming!" I said, getting to my feet quickly. All the nausea was starting to wear off, finally.

I rushed out to the front desk, where a crowd was waiting. There was a wedding going on in the event barn, and, according to the grumbling guests, appetizers were few and far between.

"Don't worry! We've got you covered!" I said, showing them our selections of my mom's cookies and fresh cinnamon rolls that were made just this morning.

They waved dollar bills and credit cards, and Grandpa helped me get through everyone. With cookies and cinnamon rolls in their hands, they trotted across the lawn to the barn. I sighed, rubbing my belly.

"That's how it was supposed to be, Grandpa. I wanted to get married in the barn and then start a family, not end up like this."

"Hey, knock off the negativity. You've got a place to go and a whole family full of support. Don't dwell on it 'not being the way you want,'" he said, wiping down the counter.

"That's easier said than done." I took a seat on the stool behind the register. "Do you think someone would even want to marry me if I've already got a kid?"

"Here and now, missy! Here and now."

I smiled, then went back to the recliner in the break room. I started scrolling through some websites and looked at furniture for the nursery. Grandpa walked in and sat down in the adjacent recliner.

"Grey cribs, or white? What do you think? I kind of like the look of the brown ones too," I said, showing him the pictures on my phone.

"Why don't you ask your house-building sister to make you one?" he said, chuckling.

"You know, that may not be a bad idea, actually."

I almost jumped out of my seat at the sound of my phone ringing. I was an antisocial texting kind of girl. No one ever called me. It was Holden's number. Quickly, I put my sandals on and rushed outside the store, then answered.

"Hey baby," Holden said.

"Uh...hi," I said.

"You good? I just wanted to hear your voice...and know a little more about this surprise."

I took a deep breath. Even through the phone, his voice was doing all kinds of things to me. Why did he have to be such a perv and a ranch hand?

"Well...I can't tell you that...that's why it's called a surprise," I said, trying to sound seductive.

I needed to keep him interested. I knew Holden Ryder well enough to know he wasn't interested in small talk with girls...but damn, he was cute. Well, a little more than just cute. He was tall, tanned, muscular...

"Well I'll just have to see for myself then, won't I?" he said. "It's about time you answered me. I was beginning to think you didn't have as much fun as I did."

"Oh, I did, trust me," I said, looking down at my bump. "When do you come back for spring break?"

"Two weeks. I'm swinging by my parents place for two days, then heading down to Panama City Beach. PCB, baby. It's gonna be lit. You should fly out. I bet you've never even seen the ocean...and I'd love to show you a good time on the beach."

"I have to stay here on the ranch. You know that."  

"Always such a good girl. I really dig that about you, baby," he said. "I have to get to my next class. I'll text you when I'm free. We should hang out in your hayloft again."

I giggled, trying to sound cute. "I can't wait."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I looked down at my bump and smiled. Holden was going to be in for a real surprise, alright.

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