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Weeks had gone by and the First Order Military Channels have gone silent, but the Reserve Fleet remained hidden in Wild Space. They still haven't made their move. The men and women were getting anxious. These warships they now lived within as mobile homes, were giant targets that painted them as the enemy of the known galaxy. 

Eight Squadrons of Resurgent Class Star Destroyers, Seven destroyers each, with the addition of several hundred other smaller support craft and just three First Order Dreadnaughts. They could take half the galaxy if they wanted to. 

The New Republic was still recuperating from the Cold War and the end of the recent conflict. There was no real Military power that  could stand against them, the Galaxy Fleet wouldn't stand a chance. However that was not his goal, not part of his agenda. Taking over the Galaxy by storm was not the way to go.

"The Pirate Menace threatens the Fledgling New Republic and our continued survival, in both Wild Space and the Outer Rim." Fenris Knox's voice was broadcasted to the entire fleet. 

Pirates had no place in a civilized Galaxy, they are a scourge that steals lives and property.

"However, it also gives meaning to our presence in the Galaxy. It shouldn't surprise any of us that the Pirates and criminal elements are moving in on neglected worlds. Even those once shielded by the Republic and the First Order. Nothing now stands in their way... Until now."

Lusica was standing beside him as he spoke through the inter-ship communications device. Her gaze out towards the stars out in the distance. From all corners of her sight, she could see a vast sea of ships, filled with both people she did not know, or would never meet.

Her eyes moved towards Knox who stood there with a blank expression on his face. 

"All ships to prepare to enter hyperspace. Set all Hyperspace Vectors for the Pantora System. Our long range scanners have picked up a massive fire fight between their defense forces and known pirate-slaver vessels." The Admiral bellowed his orders as he looked to face her. Lowering his head slightly, he gave a light nod.

Turning on her heel, she stomped one foot down on the command deck above the control pits. "All hands ready for hyperspace jump!" Lusica shouted aloud so everyone knew what was going on. 

The navigation officers made quick work of their consoles, soon enough the ship lurked into hyperspace, sending them into a blue corridor of light. The steady hum of the engines reached everyone's ears. It was something that allowed just about every disturbed human being on board the ability to sleep at night.

She turned to face Knox once more as she bowed her head lightly in return, then her attentions went back out the viewport windows. She could see other ships lined up perfectly with their vessel. Others were either ahead or behind them.

It would only take about thirty minutes until their arrival, and within those thirty minutes, millions of things could happen. A catastrophic failure, relativity field cascade or even just the smallest microfracture severs control to an entire weapons block.  

With her handheld datapad, she looked over the data which was scrolling along. Information on the ship's internal systems, temperature input and outputs of the reactor. She saw everything the officers in the pits were seeing.

While she didn't understand all of it, she was sure she would figure it all out in due time. Knox for whatever reason he had chose her to have this position, couldn't be wrong. She was going to prove herself even though to others she had only been seen as a greenhorn.

Many didn't see her as deserving of her position, out of either jealousy or spite.

"Do or do not, there is no try," Knox shifted slightly where he stood, "Wise words aren't they?"

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