chapter 6

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I rush into The Dinner and go staight to the counter. I just got to work after school and I'm running late. It seems like nothing is going right for me today.

I go behind the counter and find Mrs. Fleming carrying a box of something out of the freezer so I immediately go help.

I take the box from her and we walk into the kitchen to put it down.

Before I can say anything about being late, Mrs. Flemings face goes shocked and she says, "Oh gosh child, what happened?"

Well that was a bit of a over reaction. I knew I was fifteen minutes late but I didn't think she would be this shocked. "Sorry I had to walk here from school, because, I missed the bus." I say while not looking her in the eyes.

"Oh no hunny I'm talking about your eye." She said moving toward me to put her hand on my bruised eye.

Well of course that's what she's talking about. I forgot all about it. I thought I covered it up this morning.

Yesterday when dad got home he had already had a bad day at work and I pushed his buttons all the more when his clothes weren't folded yet. He lost his temper and I was on the stairs in his way so he just pushed me and I fell.

Well when I fell I hit my eye on the stair rail and it bruised it. "Oh, I was in gym class today and I got hit with a dodge ball. It's okay, I'm fine." I say quickly before she can get suspicious.

"You should be more careful you had me really worried there for a second." Mrs. Fleming says.

"I'll try...So what shall I do first?" I say.

"Well let's go show you how to work a cash register." She says walking out of the kitchen while I follow.

After an hour I got the hang of my job so I started to go faster and before I knew it, I was getting tips from a lot of people.

It is about eight and I still am not even tired. I've been working all day. We close in an hour then I have to go home.

Today dad had to travel for a conference so he won't be home tonight, because he is staying in a hotel. At least I will not have to put up with him.

It is about thirty minutes till closing time. There is only me and one other customer in the main area. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming are in the back packing up.

I hear the bell ding, alarming me that there is a new costumer. I don't look up, I just go to the cash register. When I get there I look up and, I completely recognize the costumer.

"Hey, Dakota. How have you been?" I don't know if he noticed and I hope not, but I could feel my eyes light up.

"Good until now, now I'm great." He said with a straight face trying not to smirk at the end.

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