The One Where Frank Likes Female Girls

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It all started as any good story starts, with an insult.

And all this because Gerard writes poetry...

Gerard was doing what he does best: minding his own business. He was sitting at his desk before class, writing a hate poem that had suddenly popped into his head as soon as he saw "surprise quiz!" written on the board. It was truly gruesome.

Frank looked over as he sat down next to him, doing what he does best: sticking his nose in other people's business.

"What are you writing?"

Gerard didn't even spare a glance at the smug boy sitting at his side but firmly closed his notebook, "a poem."

"Ha, that's gay Gerard."

"No worries, I'm gay so it all makes sense." Gerard smiled a little. He couldn't wait to see Frank panic.

Frank stopped in his tracks, his eyes growing wide, "You're gay?! What the fuck are you hitting on me or something? I'm not gay Gerard. I've slept with tons of girls. Female girls."

"Weird you feel the need to prove that to me, but alright, you're not gay, I'm gay, everyone's horny but for different things. Happy?"

"You're so weird."

Gerard considered this an okay coming out on the grand scheme of coming outs. He went back to his poem and Frank didn't bother him again.


Frank sat down with his friends at lunch, still a little shook up from his conversation with Gerard. He didn't know why this bothered him so much. Gerard could do whatever he wants to for all he cared, he barely even knew the guy. He just couldn't stop thinking about it. He was disgusted by the thought of Gerard with another man, as he should, but he couldn't stop picturing it.

"Hey, where's your head at? You haven't talked for the last ten minutes... that's gotta be a record!" his friend Bob asked, throwing him a fry to catch his attention. Frank caught it and ate it, so it was actually an added bonus.

Frank raked his hand through his hair nervously, "did you know that Gerard's gay?"

Cole laughed loudly, startling him, "of course he is! Have you seen him? That guy looks like a pervert."

Bob added, "Oh my god! He's probably looking at us in the locker rooms! If he so much as glances my way I'm clocking him, I swear." He high fived Cole.

Frank felt empty. Even though he thought he agreed, and even though he reacted poorly when Gerard came out to him, his stomach turned horribly at his friend's remarks. He felt like he should be defending him, Gerard had been nothing but kind to him all year.

"He's not that bad, I think he's actually a nice guy." Frank mumbled, half hoping none of his friends were listening.

"What, are you gay Iero?" Bob mocked him, "want Gee the fairy princess to be your boyfriend?"

Frank felt feaverish, "HA! No, disgusting! I was just joking guys..." he replied quickly.

Toby started talking about his new car and everyone's attention turned to him, though Frank was still zoned out, his leg shaking nervously under the table.


Frank was drunk right now.

(an understatement)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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