But this you can survive😞

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But this you can survive😞

The best feeling in the world?
Dreamy? Magnificent ?
The truth is,
It's horrible, ugly, frightful, even dreadful.

Horrible ? Yes .
It was never really your intention
The longing , wishing ,
of what you'll never have .
Whether it's fear of your lovers rejection,
Or the rejection.
Triggers all your insecurities
Leaves you torn apart .
But this you can survive .

Ugly ? Yes .
This is one-sided love
Your lover means everything to you
Yet does not recognize your existence
Or exploits you
Your weakness for this lover,
One day it finally hits you ,
That this love will never be
But this  you can survive.

Frightful? Yes.
This time your lover loves you
After many a good time
You start to grow apart
Your lover makes your blood boil
Yet you're scared to lose this love.
Eventually ,
Your fears come true
You lose your lover
You're completely shattered
The toxicity of your ex leaves you some peace .
But this you can survive.

Dreadful? Yes.
This is "till death does you part" .
Your true love
Your one in a billion
Their imperfections, beauty
It never ends
Till the cruel grips of death steal your lover away
Or you away from your lover
Feels like there's no tomorrow
The days turn into weeks ,
And like that , gone , forever
But this you can survive  .
"Love is a losing game".


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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