Falling for Him

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"No you hang up. No you hang up!"

"Amanda, just hang up already." Amanda is my 18-year old sister. Right now she is on the phone with her boyfriend Ashton. They have been dating for only a couple of months and these conversations are now lasting, like, a hour or so and its getting really annoying.

"Thats it, Amanda this phone call has been long enough and I don't want to hear any more of this lovey-dovey crap." I grabbed her phone and hung up on Ashton.

"Charli, what the heck is your problem?"

"You and I both know I was going to do that sooner or later."

"You're just jealous."

"Of what?"

"Me, of course."

"Whatever. I am off to go hang out with my friends. See you later."

"Bye. And remember to be back at or before midnight."

"I know, I'm seventeen. Not a five-year-old. Remember?"

"I know but it my job to treat you like one."

" Ugh, whatever. Okay, bye."


"Jessica!" I screamed at my friend Jessica.

"Hey Charli."

"Hi, where's Abby?"

"Over there getting the popcorn."

"Oh okay."

"Jess, I got the popcorn. Charli! Oh my gosh you made it! I am so glad you could come."

"Why wouldn't I come? You guys are my best friends."

"True, true. I invited our boyfriends and Luke is inviting one of his friends named Jacob. I've meet him before and he is really nice."

"Okay. Can't wait," I said in a fake happy voice. Luke and Abby are always setting me up with Luke's friends and it never works out. Why can't they just stop?

"Thats the spirit, Charli." At that time Jessica's boyfriend, Jonathan, and Abby's boyfriend, Luke, walked in. Then Jacob walked in. He was perfect. Maybe Luke and Abby finally got it right with the match-making thing they are doing for me. I realized that I was staring at him when he started staring back at me in the same way. Maybe he was thinking the same thing I was thinking about him, but about me. That's when Abby ruined the moment by shaking me to death.

"Common, Charli, we're going to miss the movie."

"Wait. Abby what type of movie are we seeing?"

"A scary one."

"Perfect," I mumbled under my breath. Jacob walked up right next to me while we were walking into the theater and put his arm around me as we walked in.

Abby was right. The movie was kind of scary. We were all sitting next to the guy we came here with. Jacob had his arm around me the minute the movie started. Then Luke and Jonathan copied him with their girlfriends. Abby and Jessica thought it was cute but I thought it was cheesy. When the movie got to the scary part I followed my gut and girl instincts. I hid my face in Jacob's chest so I wouldn't see the scary part.

"The scary part is over, you can come out now," Jacob whispered in my ear. It sent goosebumps all over my body and chills up my spine. His voice sounded husky. Even though he said the scary part was over I didn't want to move to see the screen 1.) because I was still scared and 2) because Jacob was holding me and I was so comfortable.

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