Chapter eight

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[No one's POV]

After a few dates, Mina are getting a bit more open with Chaeyoung.

But she's still a very shy girl so mostly Chaeyoung will be the one starting a conversation.

Chaeyoung then send Mina home after they finished their meal.

Mina went up to her apartment and saw her landlord keeping her clothes in the suitcase.

"Ms landlord, what are you doing?" Mina asked, confused with what's going on.

"Great! You're back! Now let me tell you this, I would want to increase the rental price to 682800 won." Landlord lady said and Mina widened her eyes.

"What? Didn't I just paid 2 weeks ago?" Mina asked.

"If you don't pay this now, I will have to chase you out of the apartment now." Landlord lady said.

"But that's not what is written on the contract." Mina said.

"It's my apartment so I can do anything I want. Pay it or leave it." Landlord lady said while crossing her arms.

"But I don't have so much money now." Mina said.

"Then leave." Landlord lady said and start to push Mina out.

Mina then lost her balance and fall backwards.

But luckily Chaeyoung was there to catch her.

"I'll see who dares to touch my woman." Chaeyoung said and the landlord lady scoffed.

"Got a rescuer so fast huh? But too bad, that won't work." Landlord lady said.

"Chaeyoung..." Mina called and hold Chaeyoung's bicep.

"I'll settle it." Chaeyoung said and patted Mina's hand.

"Then may I know the reason for you increasing your rental price?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Simple. There will be a new shopping mall building near the apartment. By then, the pricing for the apartment will be different. Of course the price of the rental will have to increase. And because of this, many people are asking to rent my apartment." Landlord lady said.

"What's the initial rental price?" Chaeyoung asked Mina.

"680000 won." Mina said and Chaeyoung turned back to the landlord.

"Lawyer Song, please come over here." Chaeyoung called someone and send the address.

Not long later, someone reached and the landlord immediately acted like she's being bullied.

"I'm so tough life! The two youngsters bullied an old lady!" Landlord lady acted.

"Mum, what are you doing?" Lawyer Song tried time help her up but the landlord lady refused.

The landlord lady continued to act until lawyer Song introduced Chaeyoung as his CEO.

"This is my boss, Son Chaeyoung." Lawyer Song said and the landlord lady immediately stood up.

"You're the CEO of Son's group?" Landlord lady said and turned to Mina.

"Oh, what happened earlier was a misunderstanding. Mina, from now on, you don't have to pay your rental. You can also continue staying here." Landlord said while smiling.

"Don't need. Since there's a lot more people wanting to rent your apartment, Mina will move out." Chaeyoung said and took Mina's suitcase.

They then walked towards the door but before they stepped out of the apartment, Chaeyoung turned back to the mother and son.

"For Mina's rental pay earlier, I will deduct from his pay." Chaeyoung said.

"Look what you did mum!" The guy exclaimed and the couple left.

They then went to the carpark and Chaeyoung got Mina to get in his car.

"Where are we going?" Mina asked Chaeyoung after he's in the driver's seat.

"To my house." Chaeyoung said and Mina widened her eyes.

"What? Your house? But what about your parents?" Mina asked.

"Don't worry. They will be fine with it. They already know that I have a girlfriend but doesn't know who yet." Chaeyoung said and Mina sighed.

But deep down her heart, she's afraid that his parents will ill-treat her because of her job or her family background.

"But of course, we will be staying in different rooms so don't worry." Chaeyoung said upon seeing Mina's troubled face.

"And if you want to sleep in the same room, same bed, I wouldn't mind as well because my dad really wants a grandchild now." Chaeyoung said and Mina blushed.

Chaeyoung laughed and hold Mina's hand.

"I'm just joking baby." Chaeyoung said and start driving back to his house.

When they reached, Mina's heart is pounding very fast as she stepped closer to the entrance by every step.

As they entered, Chaeyoung called everyone to gather at the living room.

"Omo! Who's this pretty girl here?" Mrs. Son said and Chaeyoung smiled.

"That's my purpose for calling everyone here." Chaeyoung said and waited for everyone to settle down.

"So everyone, I will officially introduce, this is my girlfriend, Myoui Mina. She's currently working as a bar girl now and I hope that everyone will not treat her badly just because of her occupation." Chaeyoung said and others smiled.

"Of course we won't. She's definitely forced to do this under some circumstances right?" Mr. Son said.

"She have no one to rely on so I wish that everyone here can make her feel loved and home." Chaeyoung said they nodded.

After that, Chaeyoung bring Mina to her room and sit down on her bed.

"See? I told you they won't react like what you expected." Chaeyoung said.

"But what if they just didn't want to say it in front of my face?" Mina said.

"We have family rules and one of the rules is gossiping about one another is strictly prohibited. If we are discovered for gossiping, we will face severe punishment from my dad because he's the one that sets this rule after Sana came." Chaeyoung said.

"Thank you Chaeyoung-ah..." Mina said and smiled to Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung smiled back and stood up.

He walked over to Mina and hold both of her hands.

"I told you that I will be by your side, taking care of you and protecting you. I will definitely keep my promise." Chaeyoung said and they stared into each other's eyes.

Chaeyoung got lost in Mina's ocean-like eyes while Mina falls deep into Chaeyoung's caramel eyes.

The both of them unconsciously leaned closer and Mina closed her eyes.

Chaeyoung tilted his head to the left and slowly closed his eyes.

The both of them could feel each other's breath hitting each other's skin.

Chaeyoung then closed the gap and tasted Mina's strawberry lips.

It was a sweet and passionate but short kiss as someone opened the door abruptly, disturbing their love moment.

"Oops, sorry. I was just asking if you guys had your lunch." Mrs. Son said and they nodded.

"Oh okay. You may continue." Mrs. Son said and closed the door.

After that, they look at each other and smiled in embarrassment as well as slight awkwardness.

"Now, strawberry is my favourite fruit." Chaeyoung said and left Mina's room.

Mina then touched her lips and smiled happily so did Chaeyoung.


More Michaeng moments! Satzu will be coming up soon!
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