Chapter 11 - An Intentional Meeting

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Tony's P.O.V

To say I'm freaking out is an understatement.

Or, well, I would say I'm more worried. Peter was really freaking out when I talked to him. I know I wouldn't be able to calm him down through texting or through just talking. When he told me he was Spider-Man it immediately clicked in my head.

He hadn't just seen the car crash. He had been in the car and seen the person before their death. It's hard to imagine what he was really thinking in that moment. He lost his parents, he had to watch his uncle die right in front of him and now he saw somone take their own life.

I just hope nothing terrible happens to his aunt. I mean, she's the only one he has left. But...


I have a bad feeling about her. I don't know why, but I do. When Peter ever talked about her, he worded his sentences very... specific, in a way. Never really saying her name and just by the fact that he told me his aunt never picks up when he calls her. There's something going on, I can feel it.



I head up to the roof and press the plate in my chest two times, making it so armour surrounds my body.

"Friday, give me Peter's location." I say and a small map appears.

I start to fly off, hoping for the best.




Peter's P.O.V

I stand up from my bed, holding my phone close to my chest. With careful, quiet steps I make it into the living room. I know no one is home except for me, but I'm just so used to trying to be as quiet as possible.

The room is dark and the only light comes from my room and the moon shining through the windows. I walk over to the door, grabbing the keys, then stepping out and heading up to the roof.

As I open the door to the roof a cold breeze hits my, still wet, face making me shudder a little. I should've probably brought some kind of blanket with me up.

"God Peter, you really are stupid..." I mumble to myself and walk over to the ledge. I lean my upper body on it and look out over the city, enjoying the view.

All of a sudden, I hear a strange, familiar sound coming from behind me. I quickly turn around, but no one's there.

"Is anyone there?" I say with a trembling voice. God, you sound so weak.

"Pete?" A voice says from behind the little shed-looking structure where you enter the roof. I recognize the voice.

"Tony?" I ask.

All of a sudden, a figure steps out from behind the shed and walks into the light. My eyes widden and my breathing gets hitched. I now realize why I recognized the voice.

There, in front of me, Tony Stark is standing in all his glory. I look at him for a moment, trying really hard not to faint. 

"Hey Peter." He says, his voice confident. I stay quiet, taking in what's really happening. That's when I really  realize that Tony Stark is the person I've been talking to for the past months AND he know I'm Spider-Man.

"...H-hi..." That's the only thing I can say. I'm just too shocked. Tony starts to make his way over to me but I hold my hands up, signaling him to stop.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Y-yeah... of... of course...! Why... why wouldn't I be...?" I stutter looking anywhere but him.

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