Chapter 18 - Avengers Tower

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Here's a longer chapter than normal. I'm thinking of making the chapters longer so please tell me if it's okay or if you want shorter chapters.


Enjoy the Story!


Peter's P.O.V

"Yo. Mind if I ask you something?" Mr. Stark disturbs the silence.


"Remember that day in the city when we first met. When you... uhh... saved me from that car?"

"Uhh... yeah...?"

"Why were you limping? Was it because of that wound you asked me to help you stitch up?" I freeze. 

"O-oh... umm... W-well... umm..." I fidget with the tool I'm holding, not knowing what to tell him. I don't think I would be able to lie to him.

"And you know you can't lie to me. You're a terrible liar." And there it is.

"As I told you. There was just... Just an accident that happened." I mumble, fixing a screw on the new web-shooter.

"At home?" His voice is filled with suspicion. I stay quiet and continue working, but I can feel Mr. Stark glare a hole through my head. He lets out a sigh and goes back to working.

After about 30 minutes of silence, I stop working, looking at the shooter, then looking over at Mr. Stark. He's working on a hologram of my suit. It looks really cool. I stand up and walk over to him. The room is a little dark so the hologram is really glowing.

The hologram is of my upper body. It looks a lot like my old one but more... expensive...
The masks lenses goes up and down, it closes, then opens all the way, then it goes back to default. Holographic web-shooters attaches themselves to the wrist of the hologram torsos arms. 

"Are you connecting the web-shooters to the suit or will I be able to take them off?" I ask and Mr. Stark nearly falls out of his chair, but he quickly recomposes himself.

"So you talk now?" He chuckles and takes a sip from his coffee.

"Well I hope so. Would be a shame if I wouldn't be able to talk anymore." I joke.

"It'd be Terrific."

"Anyways... Can you please answer my question?"

"If you could answer mine from earlier." He smirks and I huff in annoyance. 

"I guess I'll just figure it out when I use the suit." I mutter as I stomp back to my place and sit down, picking my tools up again.

"Say, how come you don't wanna answer the question?" Mr. Stark questions, rolling his chair over to my workbench and resting his arm on it.

"I don't see how this is relevant to my work." I snarl, looking at him with impatient eyes. Mr. Stark looks at me with a serious stare, like he's trying to find a crack in my facade.

"Because when you work for me. You're my responsibility. So I have to know if something's wrong." He says with a stern voice. 

I stay quiet, keeping eye contact with him. Trying to find something that implies that he's lying. But I can't seem to find anything. I look away and stare down at my tools. 

I want to tell him. I want to tell him about May. A part of me knows that... I know that she's... bad. But if I tell him, where will I go? I know I'll be put in either foster care or an orphanage. And I've heard some pretty bad things about those places.

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