Chapter 4

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Singto woke up to find a very adorable looking Krist curled up on his chest. He smiled to himself as he replayed the events of the previous night. It had been so amazing, he still couldn't believe it all to be true. He placed a soft kiss on Krist's forehead, and Krist stirred a little. "What time is it?" Krist asked groggily. "2 o'clock" replied Singto, checking his phone. "Should we be getting up?" Krist asked. "Maybe. Are you hungry?" Krist nodded slightly. Singto placed a soft kiss on his lips and got off the bed, "I will get you something to eat." He left the sleeping Krist who was pouting at the loss of Singto's body heat. How cute!

As he walked into the kitchen, he found Gun there, eating chocolate. "Hey!" Gun chirped. Singto smiled in response, for once he wasn't annoyed with this guy. "You better be careful Singto." Said Gun and Singto looked at him questioningly. "That's my best friend you are sleeping with. If you break his heart, I will break your head." Singto laughed heartily at that. It was sweet of Gun to care but there was no way Gun could actually hit him. That guy was too tiny for that. But he nodded nonetheless. "I promise I will keep him safe." Gun smiled and walked away, leaving Singto to try and whip up a breakfast for his Kit.

Krist tried to sit up in bed but cried out as his ass gave a painful twinge. Fuck, they should have used lube, he thought. When Singto walked in with a tray of food, Krist realised that he was ravenous. "I am a new cook, don't judge me too harshly. Get up and eat." Krist's heart melted at the cliché lunch in bed thing but he groaned as he said, "I can't get up. My ass hurts." Singto smiled sheepishly. He knew he should have been gentler but Krist was just so hot that he couldn't help himself. "I am sorry. I was too rough." Singto said, his heart wincing at Krist's pain. "You and I both know we enjoyed it. No need to be sorry. Just help me up though." Krist said. After a few careful attempts, Singto finally managed to make Krist sit up in bed and they ate the humble lunch Singto had prepared, feeding each other.

Singto was in the Study when his phone vibrated. It was New. "Yeah? Any updates?" Singto asked hopefully. "I have the location but the damn person has an insanely strong firewall. I need more time to know who he or she is." Singto sighed. "How long?" "Another couple hours at least.Singto something is wrong isn't it?" Singto bit his lip. He hadn't said anything to anyone yet but he had received a phone call from the same person. He decided it was probably better to tell New. "That person called me. He said he wants to meet me today. He said he is gonna harm Krist if I don't go." Singto found his voice breaking as the tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't lose Krist. "Are you thinking of going? Coz I won't let you do that." New said, matter of factly. "Jaylerr is coming in. We both will be going. I have to go. I can't risk it. Too much is on the line." New sighed. He had known Singto long enough to know that there was nothing he could do to stop Singto from going. "And what if they do something to you?" New asked. "Tell Krist I love him more than anything else in the world." Singto said and cut the call.

Singto walked into his room to find Krist watching television. "Hey." Said Singto and went over to give him a light peck. Krist smiled and looked into Singto's eyes. That was when Singto decided he needed to tell Krist what he felt. "I have something to tell you." Krist nodded, asking him to go on. "I love you. I have loved you for an incredibly long time now. I want to give you the world. I want you to be mine. I love you so much Kit." Singto paused, suddenly breathless. Krist had tears in his eyes. He had never thought Singto would say this to him. He felt like everything that had ever gone wrong in his life was all worth it if it meant he could be with Singto. The love that each had kept hidden from the other was finally left out in the open. "I love you too." He said and pulled Singto in for a deep kiss, filled with all the love he carried in his heart. It broke Singto to know that this might be the last time he ever kissed Krist. But to protect his baby, he was willing to do anything.

Jaylerr arrived shortly afterwards and Singto left with him, telling Krist that he had some important work to be done. Krist was annoyed that Singto was leaving him all alone but he wasn't in the condition to protest against it. He sighed as Singto left and sighed again when Gun walked in, with a tall guy behind him. "Who's this?" Krist asked. "This is Off." Gun replied, beaming from ear to ear. "Singto said it's ok for me to bring him over. We are gonna be downstairs. Call me if you need anything coz I am pretty sure you can't walk." Gun said, laughing, as Krist shrieked and threw a pillow at his head.

New sat staring at the screen. He had finally been able to hack into the phone's firewall and the identity of the person had him shocked. He knew he had to tell Singto as soon as possible. But Singto's phone wasn't reachable. Frantically, he looked into the company's database and found Krist's number. Time was running out and Singto was in great danger already.

Krist's heart skipped a beat when his phone vibrated, thinking it was Singto. But it was an unknown number. He wasn't in the mood to talk to strangers and let the phone keep ringing. But the damn caller was persistent. On the 5th call, Krist finally picked up and said rather harshly, "Hello, who is this?" "Krist? This is New. Remember me? I need to tell you something important. First tell me, where is Singto?" Krist suddenly felt all his jealousy creep back in. Damn this guy had nerves, calling him and asking about Singto even after the little show he had put forward the day before. "Where did you get my number? And why do you wanna know about Singto?" "I got your number from the company database. But that isn't important right now. Singto is in danger." That made Krist sit up straight. New explained all the events that had been going on behind his back and Krist felt his heart break when he heard about everything Singto was willing to give up for him. "Who is this person, the one threatening Singto?"Krist demanded. New's next words nearly made Krist drop the phone in shock. "It's Jaylerr."
Krist flew down the stairs in a frenzy, forgetting all about his paining ass. Singto was in danger and he needed to do something. New was coming over to pick Krist up so that they could go to save Singto but Krist was worried that it was already too late. "Hoiii, where are you running off to?" Gun asked. In a daze, Krist shouted something about Singto being in danger and the next thing he knew, they were all piling up into New's car, Off and Gun included. New was forced to tell the whole story once again for the benefit of Off, Gun and his own husband Tay, whom he had grabbed by the collar and dragged out of the latter's office room. Off was apparently a police investigator and he was soon making a number of calls to send help to Singto.
Singto and Jaylerr reached their destination and they sat waiting for the other people to turn up. "Why are you willing to risk your life for Krist, Singto? He is just an employee in the company. Why is it so important to you to save him?" Singto smiled weakly. "He isn't just an employee. He is my whole life." Singto stated but before Jaylerr could say anything else, another car appeared on the scene. "Must be them." Singto mumbled before climbing out of the car, with Jaylerr close behind. The man who came out of the other car was a portly guy with a menacing air. It looked like he was one of those goons on TV. Singto walked forward with purpose and said boldly, "What do you want? What has Krist done to harm you?" The other man laughed before saying, "Maybe you should ask your partner over there." Singto was confused. As he turned around, Jaylerr stood there, with a gun pointed at Singto's chest. Singto stared, not being able to process anything. "It was never Krist who was in danger. It was always you. And Krist was your weak link." Jaylerr gave a ferocious snarl. "I was getting sick of having to pretend like I actually cared for you. Without you in the world, your father is going to collapse. Because you are his world. But you are a damn lion,just like your name, it isn't easy to harm you. So I used your "world" as an excuse." Singto wasn't sure what was happening anymore. He started to say something but his words were cut short when Jaylerr fired, and Singto collapsed to the ground.

Krist felt his entire being become weak when he saw Singto collapse . "Shit! He fired." That was the only thing Krist heard and he had no idea who said it because even before the car came to a stop, Krist had opened the car door and was running out like a madman, not caring about Jaylerr threatening to fire at him or the other man trying to catch him. Singto was lying there and that was the only important thing, he needed to help him. He reached where Singto was lying on the ground, blood oozing out. He screamed out his name again and again, this couldn't be happening.

The last thing Singto heard was Krist screaming out his name and those beautiful eyes hovering over his face .His last thought was 'I love you Kit.' And then darkness.


Ouch! Writing that hurt. But on the bright side, this isn't the last chapter. So stay tuned for the Final chapter of
My Mr Ruangroj.
A very big thank you to all the people who are reading this book. And I am terribly sorry for this extremely cliché chapter.
The final chapter will be up on Valentines' Day and I hope you all are gonna love it.
P. S~Krist's Valentine meeting with yuyu yesterday won my heart. So cute ❤️.
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