Chapter 5

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Krist sat staring at the white walls of the hospital. The events of the past few hours were revolving around his head. When Singto had closed his eyes, Krist felt his world stop. He didn't know what came over him, but he swung a punch at Jaylerr, sending the other guy flying away, his nose bleeding. Krist was maddened with rage, he would perhaps have killed Jaylerr off, but he knew Singto's safety was more important now. Luckily though, the hospital was quite close by and Gun and he had rushed Singto to it, leaving the others to take care of Jaylerr and his goon.
Boonrod had been informed and he would soon arrive. Krist wondered what would he say to Singto's father. He felt terrible, feeling solely responsible for Singto's condition. The doctors were trying their best to save him, but he was still in danger. The only thought in Krist's mind was that Singto can not die. Krist couldn't help the feeling of despair that came over him whenever he thought about what would happen if Singto died on him. And when his tears came, he let them flow freely, not bothering to stop them.

Singto felt numb. He didn't know if he was dead or alive, but the only thought in his head was Krist. He hoped his lover was safe. He felt himself floating over nothingness. But he knew he couldn't die, mostly because he wasn't sure he could handle Krist being with anyone else other than him, even after death. He hadn't gotten any time at all to dote on his lover. He decided he was going to live, he wouldn't stop fighting, he was after all, a lion.

It had been 12 hours since Singto was brought to the hospital. Krist was still frozen in one place, he hadn't moved away from where he was sitting even for once. He wouldn't eat or drink anything. He couldn't do anything except hope and pray that Singto would be alright. "How is he?" A voice jerked Krist up. He looked up to see Boonrod Ruangroj standing there, a grim look on his face. "I don't know. The doctors aren't saying anything." Said Krist, swallowing back the lump that was forming in his throat. Boonrod sighed and sat down next to him. "I am sorry. This is all my fault. I...I..." Krist broke of as a fresh set of tears flowed down his cheeks. Boonrod looked at him and asked, " Do you know why Singto was willing to risk everything for you?" Krist didn't know how to respond, he wasn't sure if Boonrod Ruangroj would accept their love for each other. But before he could make any response, the older man continued, "He has been in love with you for an incredibly long time now. I don't blame you for Singto's present condition. If anything, I am proud of him for having the courage to risk everything for the man he loves." Krist looked in surprise at the man sitting next to him. "He... he told you that he... he... loves me?" Krist asked, his voice wavering slightly. Boonrod laughed. "He is my son. I have been his sole support after his mother passed away. You think I wouldn't know what is in his heart?" Krist felt a blush creeping across his face. "Are you brave enough to accept your love for him? " Boonrod asked. Krist looked at him in surprise. "Why do you look so surprised? You think I was unaware of your feelings for him? It isn't that difficult to read people's faces you know." Boonrod chuckled. Krist felt his whole face turning red. "I love him, I don't know if I am good enough for him but I am going to try my best to keep him happy, provided he doesn't... doesn't..." Krist broke off , tears forming once again in his eyes. Boonrod gave his shoulder a squeeze and said, "Singto is a lion. He won't give up so easily. Also he is a very jealous person. He will fight against anything to keep you close." Krist let out a small laugh. And soon, he placed his head on the other man's shoulder and wept his heart out.

A few hours later, a nurse came up to the two men and said, "Are you two the attendants for Singto Ruangroj? He is out of danger now. You will be able to meet him shortly." Krist felt all the tension move up from his heart. His Singto was safe. He couldn't be happier.

Singto opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was his father's caring face. "Dad..." he said in a feeble voice. "Shh son. Don't exert yourself. How are you feeling now?" "Weak. But alive." He was unsure how to tell his father about his feelings for Krist. His father wasn't stupid. He would soon begin to suspect something. "Dad, I have something to tell you." He whispered, hating the sound of his own voice. His father smiled. "About you and Krist? I have known for a long time, since the beginning in fact. I am your father. I know your heart." Singto stared in surprise at the man in front of him. "You and Krist both thought me to be some kind of medieval jerk who would be against your love, didn't you? Krist had the same expression of bewilderment on his face when I told him that I knew." "Krist is here?" Singto croaked out, suddenly feeling warm. "Yes of course he is. He hasn't eaten anything in ages though. I was told that he didn't move from his seat since you were brought in. Well anyway, I think you both are desperate to see each other, I will leave you two to it." Singto rarely blushed, but this was one of the times when he felt his cheeks heat up. He smiled shyly, as his father laughed and walked out.
Two seconds later, a very disheveled Krist walked in, his hair sticking out in all directions, a worried expression on his face. "You asshole!" Those were the first words out of Krist's mouth. "How dare you do this to me? You said you loved me and then you went ahead and pulled stunts and almost got yourself killed?! How dare you, you bastard?! Did you even think about how I would live without you when you went ahead and tried to become so heroic??? God, I hate you. You should consider yourself lucky you are on this hospital bed. Otherwise I would have strangled you, you jerk! Don't you dare do this again, ever again." Krist paused for breath, his breathing uneven and shallow. "Hoii! Here I was, thinking you are gonna say that you love me and you can't survive without me and beg me to be with you forever. But you are scolding me?" Singto pouted,in that adorable way of his, that made Krist's knees go weak. He sat down near Singto's bed and placed a soft kiss on Singto's forehead. "I love you Tuan. I love you so much, you don't have any idea how it felt when you were lying there, on the ground, all bloody and lifeless. I never want to see you like that again. I love you, I love you." Krist sighed and let his tears fall. Singto grasped his lover's hand in an effort to soothe him. " I had to save you. I had to do it for you. I love you so much, I can't think of living a life where you don't exist by my side. I... I would take a thousand bullets for you." Singto whispered, his throat dry. Krist pressed his lips lightly to Singto's mouth and stayed there for some time, enjoying the warmth of Singto's body. "I know you would, and I would do the same for you. I am glad you are alive." Krist whispered. "Me too." Replied Singto.
2 days later...
Singto had been whining like a baby for some time now. He wanted to kiss Krist but that damn boy wouldn't let him. "Your father is right outside, I don't want him walking in on us kissing. That would be so embarrassing." Singto looked grumpy and said, sulking like a child, " All you care about is my Dad sitting outside, not about me needing you." 'Aww the cute baby' thought Krist. He sighed and walked over to the bed, "Fine but only one kiss." Singto nodded his head happily, like an excited toddler. Krist finally understood why people said men never grow up. He bent down and softly kissed Singto's lips. And he wasn't surprised when Singto pulled him down and began kissing him aggressively, his tongue desperately asking Krist for entrance. Krist willingly obliged. He had been craving this as much as Singto. Singto's tongue roamed each and every part of Krist's mouth and it didn't take long for things to heat up.

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