Part 10: A New Ally!

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(Insert "Azur Lane the Animation OST - Sign of a Storm" here)

As I continued walking in the direction we came from before, I readied myself for one hell of a fight, a fight that I knew I might not make it back from. But regardless of how the odds were stacked against me, I was ready for a throwdown. Holding Zuikaku's sword in my right hand and Shoukaku's in my left, I gripped both handles tightly.

Jacob: *thoughts* Don't think about it too much man. You're doing this for your family.

Jacob: That's right. This is so I don't forget my family. No matter what, I have to get that sword back.

Still, I continued walking forwards and with each step, adrenaline ran throughout my entire body.

Jacob: *thoughts* Come on, you have to do this. Don't back down!

Jacob: I won't back down. Never again, and definitely not to them.

I took one more step forwards before stopping. I looked up and down the building to try and find some sort of opening, but the only one I could find was the one we used to escape, which was the front door.

Jacob: Looks like that's the only way in. I can't climb the sides so going in through the front is my only option. Hehe, and there's no doubt that there are tons of Sirens in there, but that doesn't make a difference.

*6 second pause*

Jacob: Let's do this.

I lunged forwards and started running towards the building, holding both swords outwards slightly. Eventually, I made it to the building and I ran in through the front. Instantly, I was face to face with two Sirens.

Siren 1: There he is! Get him!

Both Sirens started to shoot at me as I kept running towards them. I spun clockwise and slashed a bullet with Zuikaku's sword before jumping in the air and spinning to where I was now upside down as another bullet passed under my head. I hit the ground, rolled onto my feet, and now, both Sirens were right next to me. I lifted up Zuikaku's sword and Shoukaku's sword and I ran their blades across the Siren's stomachs and they dropped to the floor.

I took off down the hall again. At the end of the hall, I took a right turn and now, I was down the hall were my jail cell was.

Jacob: *thoughts* Pretty stupid of them to keep us so close to the exit. But then again, they are Sirnes.

I passed up my cell and when I made it to the end of the hall, there was double doors. I slammed my shoulder into the doors and they flew open, revealing the room where I was clamped down to the table. I was surprised to find not a single Siren in here. I looked across the room and saw another pair of doors, so I ran over to them and threw them open. The hallway was empty, strange, but regardless, I took off down the hall. As I got to the end, I made a right turn and right after the turn was a staircase going up. It was like the ones you see in hotels. I started up the stairs and after about a minute of running up the stairs, there was a door with a big number 7 on it.

Jacob: Floor 7 huh? I'm probably only 1/4 of the way to the top.

I walked up to the door and threw it open. I walked out into the hall and I looked to my left, only to see a wall. Then I turned to my right and saw that the hallway was really long. I started down the hall and I only took a few steps before I heard something. It sounded like hydraulics inside a machine that made it turn. That's when I saw a turret with two barrels sticking out of the ceiling, aimed at me. A second later, it opened fire on me. I swung Zuikaku's sword and sliced the first bullet as I spun and sliced the second bullet with Shoukaku's sword. Then I bent backwards as the third bullet passed above my face.

Azur Lane: A Fight Against the SirensWhere stories live. Discover now