Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: 

I will survive.


Step eight: surviving.

This step goes a lot with previous steps, 

and I may repeat myself, 

but you can just skip over those parts.


let me guess at first you were scared, and hurt

and just so sad!


Then you got all mad because they left and 

in the end you were just so pissed off!

But you were never glad that they left,

just pissed off at them.

Like you'd be okay with them, if they came back,

you were so mad at them, so many times,

but you weren't too upset that you wouldn't stop them from leaving.

You, if it was possible,

still would have stopped them from leaving.

When in reality you should have been thinking,

"You bastard/bitch! You left me, and tried to hurt me with the worst word ever, 'goodbye' and then you think you can just bring your ass up in here again and me be okay with it? I don't fucking think so! Get the fuck outta my life! Your not welcome here anymore! You left me and think I'm going to let you come back? Uh, how bout no? Sound good? It doesn't? Well fuck you! Because I know that I am going to find someone much better than you, someone who doesn't want to hurt me."

But nope, 

wanna know why?

Cause you still love them. 

And, hell its okay!

Cause I woud've been concerned if you said you didn't.

Like I said,

you either will always love them, or you never did.

It's not as easy as falling out of love with someone.

That's just an excuse people use,

but really it's just a nice way of say,

I never fucking loved you, dumb ass.

So, if you don't still love them at the eighth step,

you never did.


all I am trying to tell you, 

in this chapter,

is that you won't die.

You won't be ruined because they left you.

I've actually heard of people committing suicide because of someone leaving them.

And that is just the dumbest thing I have ever fucking heard.

If someone left me and said they never loved me,

you wanna know what I would do?


Yeah, I'd be upset, but it ain't worth killing myself over. 


They don't wanna love me?

Fine, I'll find someone who does.

Fuck that other shit.

That's just dumb as fuck!

I totally understand you're upset, we've all been there,

but come on!

Your life!

That shit is just dumb!

You've still got so much love in you,

it's not worth giving all that up,

just cause of one stupid person.

But hey, if your reading this, you obviously didn't kill yourself,

so good job!


Seriously though,

they want you to break and crumble,

but just as the lyrics of this song say:

As long as you know how to love,

I know you'll survive!


Song: I will survive- Gloria Gaynor

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