alternate ending 17x16

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What Ellie had mentioned this morning was stuck in the back of Nick's head the entirety of the day. He was worried about her being homeless and not being able to afford her rent. He went into the breakroom to clear his head. He was still on minimum duty from his accident so he was allowed frequent breaks. The case was finally winding down though, so Nick just let Tim and Gibbs wrap it all up.

He entered the breakroom to see Ellie sitting at one of the tables looking rather frazzled. She had papers in front of her, which Nick only assumed was what informed her of her raised rent. She put her face in her hands and sighed. She glanced up and couldn't help but smile at the sight of Nick, despite her current stress levels. He smiled back, made an extra coffee and slid it towards her.

"Thank you." She replied softly. He placed himself in a chair next to her and glanced over her shoulder. His eyes bugged out of his head when he saw just how much her rent had been increased. She followed Nick's gaze and nodded with a sigh.

"I don't know what I'm going to do Nick. I'm so screwed." Ellie stated, sipping her coffee. Nick stayed silent. He knew how he could help, he just felt like Ellie would not be up for it. She literally makes him call her Bishop at work since that's less "suspicious" according to her. He understands now that he has actually met Ziva, and finally knew what happened with her and Tony. 

"Everything okay in here?" A voice asked, scaring Nick from his thoughts as if he was saying them out loud. Nick and Ellie both nodded.

"Nick is just taking a little break and I'm trying to figure out what the hell I'm gonna do." Ellie smiled, clearly holding back frustrated tears. Nick had to hold back the urge to just hold her like he always did when something stressed her out. Gibbs nodded, patting Ellie's back. 

"The case is all set. McGee and I are heading out." Gibbs told them. They shared their goodbyes, soon they were alone in the office. Ellie looked at Nick with super sad eyes. He reached over and took his hand in hers. Ellie smiled softly as he rubbed his thumb against her skin. 

"Ellie move in with me." Nick blurted. Ellie's eyes jerked from the paper to Nick. 

"Wait, what?" Ellie asked. Nick nodded.

"I'm worried sick about you Ellie. I don't want you to be homeless." Nick sighed. 

"I know you are, but what about Gibbs? He's going to be so suspicious."

"He'll think it was just an act of kindness." Nick smiled, Ellie couldn't help but laugh. After a small moment of silence, she nodded.



"Let's do it. It's going to be super helpful for me, and I think we're ready to take that step." Ellie smiled, Nick took her hand and smiled back at her.

"You can kiss me. It's okay." Ellie stated softly. Nick smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. The kiss was soft, sweet and unlike what they usually do while they're alone. Ellie smiled when she pulled away.

"Shall we start getting my little lady packed?" Nick asked, holding his hand out to Ellie. She laughed, grabbed her bag and took his hand.

"Let's do it."

The packing process was simple, they were done within a few hours since all Ellie needed was her clothes and whatever little nickknacks were scattered about her apartment. Nick carried out most of the heavy stuff, while Ellie carried out her handbags full of the fragile items.

Nick had all the clothes boxes in his car, while Ellie had her fragile items she didnt want broken on the passengers side seat of her car. She followed Nick to his apartment with a million thoughts running through her head. She had no idea that something so awful was going to result in something so amazing.

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