♡ 0.2 Killing game ♡

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Your POV :
Everyone has heard..we all have to participate in the killing game. We had no choice

Later , we all had to go back to our cottages , everyone looks so upset , frustrated, scared , and million emotions were filling up this entire island

Once I finally got to my cottage , I was scared. Scared that someone was gonna kill me.

Well I got introduced to everyone and we're all friends but who knows.

*time skip*

The next morning , I woke up , got ready and started to go over to get some breakfast on my way I heard a very familiar voice

"hey (y/n)!" I turned around and it was him. The most charming boy I know , Nagito Komaeda.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as we both walked together

"i slept just fine but I was a bit scared that someone was gonna kill me heh"

"same..hey how about tonight come over to my cottage tonight? You know just to hang out" I was gonna say yes but I had to think about it. What if this was his plan to kill me?

"Come on (y/n) I know you trust me..I promise I won't do anything to you , cuz really I'm as scared as you but it's okay if you say no. I understand. I don't really know what it's like to have a friend anyw-"

"No it's okay" I interrupted him

"I'd love to" I said giving him a soft smile

"really" he said surprised


"Oh ok then!"

Wow does he really not know what if feels like? I feel bad. Well whatever the matter is I'll always be here for him.

Once we finally got to the breakfast place , teruteru made some breakfast for all of us, we sat down and had a good time talking and stuff , we had this idea that we can do a dinner party, to forget about the killing game and get to know eachother better

*time skip*

I just finished eating my dinner , I was heading to my cottage and I remembered that I told Nagito I'd be at his tonight. But I decided to pack some stuff before I go like pjs and stuff.

Later on I got my backpack and headed over to his cottage , it was 11pm so it was very quite *knock knock knock* , I knocked the door , waiting for a response but it didn't take long

"hey (y/n)!" Nagito said smiling

"I didn't think you would come!" He said stepping aside welcoming me to come in

"Well of course I'd come! I just went to pack my stuff" I said

"oh I see" he said closing the door

Me and Nagito did lots of fun things , we played try not to laugh with water , charades , I taught him how to play guitar , had a pillow fight , had a dance party , we drew a little on the walls , saw who could jump the highest , played hide and seek , tag , and much more, I had the time of my life.

We changed into our pjs and I layed on nagitos bed

"you sleeping here for the night?" He said lying next to me

"huh oh yeah"

"but I thought we were just hanging out?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll get going"

"wait no. It's okay it's late anyways" I looked at the clock and it was 2:45 am

"oh your right"

"you can have the bed, I'll sleep on the ground-"

"what no , nagitos it's your room , I'll sleep on the floor "

"no (y/n) it's fine "

"no I'm sleeping on the ground"

Nagitos POV :
I tried everything. But nothing would work , she slept on the floor anyways , a few minutes later , I started to gaze on the roof I never had so much fun before..

"hey (y/n)".....I said .....

" (y/n)?".... no one answered

"(y/n)" I said once more as I got up.

She was sleeping and just looked at her and smiled. I looked back on the bed and realized it could fit the both of us, I went up to her and carried her bridal style. Hoping not to wake her up. I layed her down on the bed gently and put the covers on her , I walked over to the other side on the bed and layed down next to her putting the covers on me.

I started at her , how her perfect (h/c) hair would fall on her face beautifully , how her mouth was slightly opened and her perfect lips , which I could press mines into hers. I just admired the girl. She was perfect but before I knew it. I fell asleep

Theeee enddd of this chapter! I'll come out with more! Again this is just the beginning !

𝙼𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 (𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚝𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now