♡ 0.8 Despair Disease ♡

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Ayyy another chapterrrrrr okay i rlly hope u guys enjoy this one but before i do get into it , over here in the picture thingy there will be a YouTube video , because in the story you're the ultimate guitarist soooo yeah um you'll be singing and thats the song and stuff but i hope u understand cuz I'm so bad at explaining stuff but okay here's the chapter enjoy :)

Your POV :

*time skip*

It was the next day. Just yesterday mikan told me about how nagito has the despair disease, and he got the lying one.

Meaning everything coming out of his mouth was a lie , something he didnt mean , and something that I'm really hurt about is i cant even be that close to him , because its contagious.

I didnt even bother to leave me cottage , i stayed lying on the bed staring at the wall , with a blank expression on my face.

I heard a knock on the door , i got up and it was Monomi

"(Y/n)! It's already 1pm! Aren't you gonna go eat?" She asked

"no thanks Monomi , I'm not hungry."

"Come on (y/n) , you didnt eat breakfast and its almost lunch time , come lets go" she said giving me a hand

"fine" , me and Monomi went to the breakfast place and i ate some food. Wow i didnt realize how hungry i was

*time skip*

It hasn't been the same , it was almost sunset so i decided to grab my guitar and see Nagito , when i finally got to the hospital i saw her.

Chiaki , she was heading out of the hospital

"hey (y/n)"

"hi chiaki.."

"are you okay?"

"Not really.."

"its because of Nagito huh?" She asked.

"Maybe..but he probably likes you better" i said looking at her in eye

"what no! Nagito always talks about you non stop , I'm sure he likes you more (Y/n)!" After chiaki said that I felt relieved but at the same time i felt guilty

"thanks chiaki" i said giving her a smile

"no problem" she said smiling back.

I went into nagitos room and he was awake

"(y/n)?...ew..your here." I had to remember that everything Nagito was saying was a lie

"yeah i am here.." i said sitting on the floor next to his bed , while he was laying on his side looking at me

"your so ugly" he said reaching his hand out. "I know nagito , I'm so ugly" i said holding his hand

"yeah you should say that", i could tell he was tired , his eyes weren't able to keep open and his voice sounded weak

Kinda hurts seeing him like this.

"I h-hate you" he said...i didnt know what to say but he started to pull me up with his hand, i got up helping him..(so basically your standing now)

"you brought your guitar?"

"Yeah..i did"

"ew..(y/n)..." he said opening his arms asking for a hug. I accepted it anyway, i didnt care if the disease was contagious.

His arms were around my neck and and mine were around his waist

"i want to let go" I was able to translate it, what he really meant was he never wanted to let go , which made me feel warm inside

"me too nagito...me too" i said tightening the hug , soon enough he fell asleep.

I let go of the hug but i didn't leave the room. I stayed there sitting on the floor. Geez Komaeda, no matter what situation you're in you always sleep so peacefully..i look at the guitar that was next to me and grabbed it, i started to play. ( the song is up in the picture/video thingy)

*after the song*

I looked at nagito , the moon shined perfectly on his pale skin , overall he was so handso-

"(Y/n)?" I turned to see fuyuhiko

"oh hi fuyuhiko.."

"what are you doing here?" He said walking over to the floor , sitting next to me

"i wanted to stay with nagito."

"Oh i see.."

"hows your eye?"

"It's better" he sighed

"Well..hows nagito?"

"Hes..tired..but um i hugged him"


"And the despair disease is contagious "

"wait wait wait what despair disease?" he said giving me a confused look

"nagito has this despair disease and the one he has is that everything he says is a lie "

"oh" he said looking down

My eyes started to tear up and tears streaming down my cheek "hey..why are you crying?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"i-i dont know? I just don't like the way things are anymore"

"hey (y/n) its okay...i know how you feel" he said

"you know..not being able to spend time with someone you care for the most...but your lucky , you atleast get to spend a bit of time with nagito...i cant even spend a second with mine..." he said looking down

I instantly knew who he was talking about peko.

"I'm so sorry fuyuhiko..."

"dont be..its not your fault" i looked at fuyuhiko giving him a smile , and he smiled back

"I'm gonna go get some rest..ill see you later" he said getting up

"oh okay..bye fuyuhiko"

As soon as he left the room i dragged my attention to Nagito

"(y/n)..." nagito said with his eyes still closed

"nagito.." i said holding his hand

"leave me"

"i wont nagito , I'm right here" i said. And before i knew it (for the hundredth time ) i fell asleep

Hifhwiughe29u yayyyy thats it hope u enjoyed :) um yeah thats all another chapter another episode another thing that I'm not too proud of but i hope you all enjoyed. I know its not the best but I try to make these things interesting but they probs aren't rlly that interesting I'm just letting my ideas flow but yeah that's all , ill see you guys in the next one :)

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