♡ 0.10 Confessions ♡

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Nagitos POV :
It was about 12am and I couldn't sleep..

I decided to take a walk out on the beach and quickly grabbed my jacket as I got out of the cottage I looked left, then right to see no one around

I closed the door behind me and started to head to the beach as I got there the wind blowed on me the feeling of my hair out of my face felt amazing as I kept on walking I heard a guitar play

I got closer and they started singing..I thought it was ibuki for a second but no...it was her.

(Y/N).. her voice sounded like an angel (if you swipe in the picture thingy there will be a video of the song , just like in the other chapter :) ) she was singing the one that got away.

But damn the girls got skills she was sitting on the sand with her guitar singing looking at the ocean , this was magical.

I sat behind her luckily she didn't even notice , I layed my head back on the branch of the palm tree and just enjoyed the angelic voice , I didn't want to interrupt her

Your POV :

It was 12am and I got my sheets of notes ready and my guitar I couldn't sleep and I thought since no ones here I could practice my skills and I decided to try out in the beach , the weather seemed nice yet it was chilly.

*lil time skip*

as I was finishing up singing I took a deep sigh and I smile of relief I haven't played in a while so it felt amazin-

"YOU DID AMAZING" Nagito said hugging me from behind

"A-Ah N-n- Nagito! How long have you been here...and WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT" I was a blushing mess

"Hehe sorry but your voice was heavenly" I look down a smiled softly as my hand touched nagitos arm that was around my chest

"Thank you Ko".

we stayed like that for a while. His arms around my chest with his head resting on my back , my hands in his arms looking at the waves crashing together. I loved the guy. I hope he knew that.

"You know (Y/N)" he said as he stopped hugging me and moved to sit next to me

"you really are the most charming and beautiful person I ever met , you were always there for me " he said as he looked at my eyes and I looked back

"I went through the despair disease , you saw how insane I was in the first trail , and you saw me as I was chained up...all that yet you never left my side "

"of course I would never leave your side Nagito. Your my friend" I said as I smiled at him ,

he sighed and looked down and grabbed my hands and started rubbing my knuckles with his thumb

"I was hoping we could be more then that." , I was shocked and speechless..but I've been waiting. Am I really sure about this?

"Nagito. I love you with all my heart"

"do you really love me?"

"Of course"

"I-I , how can someone so special end up with garbage like me"


"I'm trash just garbage. "

"dont say that-"

" I'm a fool. I'm a fool for you (Y/N) , I- I know you don't love me back, your just saying that to be nice you probably belong with hajime or Souda I-" I cupped his cheeks forcing him to look at me

"No. don't say that. I love you and only you"

We looked at eachother deeply in the eyes our faces were close I could feel his hot breath on my lips , as we moved closer.

Our lips touched he was pushing his lips into mine as I did the same putting my hands around his neck and his arms around my waist melting into the kiss until it broke I looked at Nagito deeply in the eyes gasping for air

"I love you. Nagito and I'm not saying that just to be nice. There's my proof."

"I love you too (Y/N) you mean everything to me" he says smiling and I smile back pulling him into a tight hug. I loved him. More then anything

later we stood up and I grabbed my stuff and we walked over too my cottage

"thanks for the amazing night Ko. I couldn't ask for better" I said as I put my stuff down

"you made it better (Y/N)" he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss it was more passionate this time , my arms around his neck as I bent over he was trying to grab my-

i broke this kiss "woah there lover boy , I think that's enough for tonight"

"dang okay then , I'll see you in the morning (Y/N) I love you"

" I love you more" I said as I grabbed my stuff from the ground and he walked away heading to his cottage , I opened the door of my cottage and dropped everything on the ground and layed on my bed *sigh* I couldn't help but smile and hug my pillow. He's mine now. And I'm his

AAAAAAHHHHH okay so ur with Nagito now congrats I'm proud of u :) oh wait wrong font there we go , okay we'll I'll see you guys on the next chapter byeee <3

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