Chapter 5 [ Hot Coffee ]

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At the cafe. The coffee is steaming while the whether is cold outside on that very day. Y/N placed both her hands on her cup to keep herself warm as she couldn't keep eye contact with Jonghyun who was sitting opposite of her with his right hand on the cup and looking at Y/N with a sweet smile plastered on his face. He then started a conversation to break the ice..

"How was it working at the radio station?" Jonghyun asked before taking a sip of his coffee

"It's.. Not so bad but i get to enjoy it"

"Wouldn't it be nice if you could just have this moment after a hard day?" Jonghyun smiled

"Yes it is really nice" Y/N smiled too

"Especially a moment with me?" Jonghyun chuckled slightly and Y/N chuckled too

"Yes, a moment with you is nice too"

"Let's have more moments this way then.. Most of the time after work i will go straight back but having a late night talk like this with a hot drinks.. It's nice" Jonghyun laughed a little

Hours later..
Both of them took a walk home, Jonghyun looked at her and smiled with his hands in his pockets before looking back on the ground then straight ahead..

Jonghyun let out a slight sigh before saying.. "my house is down here but i can walk you home first"

Y/N responded "No no.. It's fine"

"I insist" Jonghyun said

"No really. It's fine. My house is near too anyways, just behind this block" Y/N pointed out the block

Jonghyun then held her hand and continued walking where she pointed "Kajja, it's late so i will walk you home" Y/N was flustered by his actions and kept her head down but Jonghyun seemed fine holding her hand

As they reach her front gate, he looked at her after letting hand go and smiled "Take care now. Next time i will walk you home since it's dangerous to walk alone at night. No refusing. Okay?"

She nodded and responded "Okay"

"Alright, head on in. Have a good night sleep tonight" Jonghyun smiled and waved cutely as she nodded and headed in after saying.. "Goodnight" and he responded "Goodnight to you too"

After she head in her home. Jonghyun walk back home as well. Behind closed doors.. She smiled and said to herself.. "Goodnight to you too" she then squealed "ah! what's with this situation?"

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