12,Take Me To Church.

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I stood facing the door.

Nervous was an understatement. Leading up to this moment, I didn't plan out anything to say because I was sure that the words were just going to sort of...fall out of me.

But I guess not. I guess I was wrong.

This morning I woke up and the first thing I did was leave the house to go and visit Mr. Keller. Whoever he might be to my mother. My theory is, mom maybe wanted a second opinion on Kylie's death. But then again, why be oh so secretive about it all?

The door finally opened up and a mild mannered man stood in front of me. I'm guessing this is him.

"Mr. Keller?", I stutter.

"Yes. May I help you?", he asks me. I'm kind of surprised that he doesn't know who I am. I mean, this is a town of barely 3000 people and word spreads very quickly.

"Yes...uh... I was hoping to talk to you for a while? Maybe ask you a few questions", I say calmly, "My name is Kelsie Burklin. My uh...my older sister Kylie Burklin died a while ago and.. I was hoping you know something about it"

The second I mentioned Kylie's name, his face went pale. He's hiding something. But what?

"Sorry. I can't help you", he says abruptly and almost shuts the door in my face. Before he could, a familiar face comes up and stops him, curious as to whose at the door. I know I've seen her before, I just can't tell where from

"Go get ready for church. It's nothing", he says and the door opens wider. This time, it's the action of the familiar face. I remember now, she's one of Kiara's friends. She was at that lame party.

"Kelsie? I thought I heard your voice", she says

"Hi", I smile. Trying desperately to remember her name.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at church? Your family goes pretty early", she smiles back

"Yeah, I'm meeting them there", I cut the conversation short. "So anyway, I came to talk to Mr. Keller...who I'm guessing is your dad?"

"Yep. Ashley Keller. In the flesh"

Oh right! That's her name. Ashley.

"Well, my dad probably won't want to talk right now. Maybe after church. You should stop by", she says

"Okay. Thanks"

"How are you getting there? We can give you a ride", she offers. 'Why not', I think to myself then accept her offer and enter her house.

"My dad's almost ready. We'll leave in a few minutes.", she tells me, "we can go wait in my room"

The room contained a small bed, neatly made, two straight-backed chairs, a lampshade, a bureau, without any mirror, and a small table. There were no drapery curtains at the windows, no pictures on the wall. Her wallpaper was a nightmare of frills and flowers with bright pink and orange everywhere. On the bedside table sat a doily and a lamp that could have just leaped out of the nineteen forties or something.

She sat at her dressing mirror and blended in more concealer onto her already flawlessly done face.

I analyzed her table. There was a pink tin filled with brushes, a shear box full of jewelry, an Adam Sandler bobble head and...what's this? A framed picture of her and...Kylie.

"You and Kylie were close?"

She paused her blending and looked at the picture. "Yeah actually. Throughout last summer she was really like, friendlier to me. She helped me out with something and... I basically owed her my entire reputation. She was one of the sweetest people I ever met."

Kylie Burklin's Killer [1st Draft: UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now