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I waited on my front porch, looking for Yoongi's red BMW i8 roadster, a typical car for his fuckboy self. It felt like hours before he finally pulled up by the side walk. I aproached his car and saw Yoongi, who had dyed his hair mint green.
"Is that what took you so long? Esperanza is fucking missing and you decide to dye your fucking hair?!" I yelled getting into the passangers seat and slamming the car door.
"I dont give a fuck about Esperanza, and you shouldnt either" he said already driving off.
"Why shouldnt I care? She is my best friend"
"Wow, not a great friend then"
"Whats that supposed to mean?"
"You really have no clue, do you?"
"No clue about what?"
"What's the last thing you remeber at Jimin's party?"
"Jimin critizing my outfit... Why?" Yoongi pulled over again and stopped the car.
"You got black out drunk and we had sex. Your so called 'friend' wanted to hide that from you. I'm guessing by now you have found out other things she has been hiding"
"Wait- we had sex?! What the fucking hell Yoongi?! Esperanza was right-"
"Oh she was right?! She was to busy getting drunk to help you! Not that you wanted any help, you were eager to get this dick" he sighed and sat back in his chair.
"I WAS DRUNK! YOU DONT-" I shouted at him when he suddenly slammed the steering wheel.
"ALL ESPERANZA IS DOING IS LYING TO YOU! STOP LISTENING TO HER FUCKING LIES!" He calmed down and started the engine "I'm only doing this because Jungkook asked me..."
I was speechless, I didnt know what to say. We continued to drive and came across a large house with statue in front. We sat there quietly, not moving to get out the car.
"This is the place?" I said meekly, looking down at my lap.
"If your waiting for me to open your door or go with you I'm not, unless your having second thoughts" Yoongi said looking the oppisite direction.
Of course I was having sevond thoughts, secrets after secrets. Who knows what else she could be hiding from me.

"Wait how do I know you"re nit lying?" I said getting out of his car.
"Why would I lie?"
"To get me to hate Esperanza, so you can trick me into fucking you or-"
"Well why don't you go and see for yourself" He said motioning to the house. I turned around and walked to the door. I stared at the doorbell for a minute, then Yoongi pressed it.
"I thought you werent going to come with me"
"I wasn't but I want to see how this is going to go down" I turned back to the door and soon it opened revealing the girl known as Irene.
"Who are you?" She said when her eyes landed on me, her face with a hint of disgust.
"I'm Y-"
"Yoongi! Where is Jungkook? I thought he would have come, also who is this?" She said when she noticed Yoongi standing behind me
"I'm Y/N, Esperanza's friend-"
"Oh you are the clueless one! I dont think she wants to see you, and if you came looking for her, you're out of luck, she left an hour ago"
"Then where did she go?"
"I dont know, she called someone and left"
"Do you know who?"
"No, what do I look like Sherlock? Also I dont give a shit about Esperanza she is a lying whore that manipulates-" I grabbed the door handle and slamed the door in Irenes face and headed back to Yoongi's car.
"Where do you think she went?"
"I dont know and I dont care" He started the car and started driving.
"But I need to find her! I need to talk to her"
"Look I'm going to take you home, I dont care what you do afterword just dont get me involved anymore, ok?"
"Why did you even agree to help? Its not like you had too" Yoongi didnt respond and just continued driving back to my apartment, which we arrived in just a few minutes.
"Your not acting like yourself today Yoongi, where are all your remarks? And hitting on me? Are you satisfied cause you had sex with me? Wow your really are just a fuckboy, I shouldnt be surprised. You're just going to forget about me arent you? Well I'm not complaining-" Yoongi cut me off by planting his lips on mine. I sat there in shock for a minute before pulling a way and getting out his car. I was about to speak but instead rushed into my house and slammed the door. I leaned against the wall then looked out the window to see Yoongi slam his steering wheel then drive off.

What The Hell Just Happened?

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