I translated the text from original polish, if you were curious. Well, things over here will be mostly translated from polish.
Recently I ended up in the class with expanded program with polish, history and social studies (i think it's called like that in english?) and it really pushed me to write! I had a few works already prepared over here (waiting to get translated as well <3), but they mostly waited for me to publish them.
But today is the day, when I finally broke through and told myself "you need to do something" and "you can't stop using Wattpad in the name of writing just like that". (well that sounds motivational, doesn't it?) So I took a shot - I prepared a few works and here I am.
Enjoy! :)
The pictures I used don't belong to me, but you can find them on Pinterest. The exeptions will be marked by me. If you have any questions, advice, or you need one, my ears are open! :)
🌹 Poems and Prose - what lurks in the heart 🌹
PoetrySo... My works I guess? Poems? Prose? I dunno???