Chapter 44

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I wake up and smell food. Chicken I think. Looking around it isn't coming from my room, but there is someone asleep in the chair by my bed.

I attempt to sit up, even though it hurts. Looking closely and waiting for my vision to clear out of its groggy fog, I recognize the dark hair and tall build that is slumped in the chair.

"Jordan?" I croak out.

His head shoots up, clearly he wasn't as asleep as I thought, "Rhea? Oh my god, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

"Still tired, hungry, confused... And really happy to see you."

He takes my hand and pulls it to his lips, his eyes start watering, "I was so scared I'd never see you again, you scared the crap out of me."

"I'm sorry," I whisper as he kisses my hand, "Jordan what's happening? The police were here, I... I didn't know where you were. Did my dad get arrested or something?"

He shakes his head, "No, it's nothing with your dad, well that's not entirely true, but the cops don't know about what happened with him," His face gets dark and eyes become sad, "They're here about Dominic, and what he did to you. I'm so sorry baby."

He pets my hair as I look away, glancing up I see the tv, it's on the local news with the headline "Local Teen Arrested for Domestic Abuse".

"But... How did-"

"At the park, I talked to the police. And I let them listen to the voicemail you left me while you were being treated. You said Dominic hit you, he's been arrested and they need to talk to you before they can charge him. Can you talk to them? Tell them what happened?"

My eyes water at the thought of his family being dragged into this, and at the thought of talking about it all again.

"Will you stay with me?" I whisper.

"Rhea, I'm not leaving your side ever again... I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me," He runs his thumb across the covered cut on my cheek, "I'm so sorry you had to go through this."

I close my eyes and take in his touch, feeling like I've been deprived for far too long, I soak in his warmth and welcome that familiar scent of chili powder and chocolate.

He presses a button on the side of my bed, alerting the doctor to come to the room. Jordan tells my doctor that he can send the police in. The same officers as before step in not long after, asking me question after question about what I went through. I tell them about what happened at his house the other night and I feel Jordan squeeze my hand.

"We can send for a rape kit," One officer says, "If he left any DNA it can help make the charges stick."

I nod gently as they leave to go make the necessary calls. I can't look at Jordan right now, after what he just heard I don't feel like I can look at him.

"Are you alright?" His voice is soft as his hand grips mine.

"I'm so sorry," Is all I manage to say, and it gets tangled up in a mess of sobs.

"Why the hell are you sorry?" He tries to touch my face and I inch away, "Rhea look at me. Look at me please," I don't lift my eyes but I turn my head. His hand travels in soft curves down my face, "None of this is your fault, you were put through hell. You were hit and shamed and you don't deserve that. You haven't done anything wrong, it's Dominic who should be sorry."

I look up at him, his face a mix of concern and anger, "He... I'm... I feel so... Tainted..." The tears spill out as he pulls me close, resting my head on his chest.

"Shhh, it's alright. Listen to me, you aren't tainted, you're incredible. You're so much stronger than I'll ever be, and I'm going to be with you through this, every step of the way. I won't walk away again."

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