Don't Go Yet

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"Jordan, please pick up. Please. I'm scared, it's getting so much worse. Please answer your phone... Please, I need you... Please... Please..."

That would be the tenth time I listen to this voicemail since I got it Thursday night. I keep playing her voicemails over and over just so I can hear her voice, part of me is scared she'll stop leaving them. Especially after what happened in the parking lot a couple weeks ago.

"Was I just some attempt to one up each other, was I just bragging rights? Is that what it was when we slept together, when I called you terrified at night?"

Her words haunted me. I so badly wanted to tell her the truth, I so badly wanted to tell her I love her and that I'm lost without her, but I can't. I fucked up, bad, like insanely so.

Glancing at my desk I see the books and laptop I won Rhea at the fundraiser. I don't know how I'll get it to her but I will. I need to see her smile. Seeing her at school has been heartbreaking, she looks so scared all the time. Maybe these will help, she looked so excited as she skimmed the books at the auction.

Maybe I'll leave them in her truck after school. She would find it easily. My thoughts disappear as her caller ID shows up on my phone. I stare at it, reminding myself not to pick up. I let it go to voicemail, hoping she leaves one so I can hear her voice. It takes close to five minutes before I see a new voicemail waiting.

I wait as long as I can before listening, because if I don't I might call her back. Ten minutes pass before I break and put the phone to my ear.

"Jordan, it's me. I know you aren't going to pick up and that's fine. You may never listen to this message but it is what it is. I... I just wanted to talk to you and let you know how sorry I am," Her tears break my heart and I feel a few fall down my cheek too, "I'm sorry I was a coward and couldn't fight for myself. I'm sorry I dragged you down and put you through my crap. I just... I need you to know that I really did love you and I still do, I just wanted you to know that before I..." She clears her throat and falls silent for a moment, "I can't do it anymore. I can't. Dad, he's gotten worse and I can't do anything about it anymore, it's all becoming too much. Dominic... He, umm, he hurt me really bad, he hit me, and he... He touched me and I just... I can't live with that I can't. I can't do this anymore," I hear muffled sobbing before she is able to speak again, "Jordan I know it may be a lot to ask, but please tell my dad I'm sorry, and I forgive him. Tell him to forgive himself, and get better. Please take care of him, I want him to be happy. Jordan, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I'm putting this on you, and I'm sorry you had to put up with my stuff, I'm just so sorry for all of it. I'm sorry if I hurt you with this, but I can't stay here anymore. I don't want to live like this anymore, I hope you can understand... Who knows, maybe I'll get to see my mom again," She chuckles but all I hear are tears, "Please remember, I love you, and I'm sorry... Goodbye."

I wait as the message ends, begging to hear her say it's a joke. When I don't hear that, I panic. I jump off my bed and run to my car, listening again to the message to find out where she is. I hear a swing squeaking. Fuck she's at the park. She's an hour away and dying!

I start the car and take off as I call 911. I tell them there's a suicide attempt happening and where. The operator assures me they have people on the way and tells me to calm down but all I can thinks is... Am I too late?

I break too many laws, turning and hour drive into 25 minutes, I pull up to the park and jump out in the midst of sirens and people. I see her slumped on the swing and rush over to her.

"Rhea? Fucking hell, Rhea!" I slide to my knees in the wet grass as I run to her. She looks blue.

Her eyes open barely as a weak smile spreads over her shivering lips, "Hi," I can barely hear her weak voice.

Stop in the Name of Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now