introduction #2-yugi and his friends

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In the skies of the new world, a bazelgeuse and a seregios where fighting over an aptonoth "back off joey! I killed this aptonoth fair and square!" Roared the bazelgeuse "gimme a break tristan! I CLEARLY killed it! Its mine!" Roared the seregios, a miztusine that was nearby sighed "those two are still at it..." she said as she pinched the bridge of her snout "relax taya, atleast they arent bothering us." Said another mizutsune that was slightly smaller than the other one "yes taya, just let them blow off some steam, they did need it after all." Said a nargacuga

"easy for you to say yugi, your the one that saved these two from that brachydios that day." Taya said as she gestured to the two fighting wyverns, yugi giggled "true true..." he mumbled, a glavenus that was relaxing underneath a palm tree sighed aggressively "can you two keep it down please!?" He growled "jeez, Duke REALLY isnt in a good mood today.." yugi said to taya "well I wouldn't blame him, being in a good mood is difficult when these two are making a ruckus." Taya said to yugi, once again gesturing to the fighting wyverns.

Duke sighed and stood up "let me settle this, come here you two!" He growled at Joey and tristan "uuuh.....ok..?" Yhey both said at the same time, befefully hovering to the ground, duke than raised his tail blade and swung it forward to bite onto it, he pulled it through his mouth and swung it behind him, it was now glowing orange, joey and tristan both quickaly hugged eachother "this is it man! We're done for!" Said tristan "we're sorry that we bothered you duke! We wont do it again! Please spare us!" Joey whimpered.

Duke swung his tail forward as if he was gonna cut right through the two wyverns like butter, but instead his tail cut the aptonoth in half. Duke pulled his tail back "your welcome." He simply said, tristan opened one of his eyes and looked at duke and the aptonoth "thanks, I guess.." he said, he than quickaly looked at joey, who had said the same thing at the same time, and quickaly pushed him away, acting like nothing happened.

Joey bit onto the aptonoth's tail and started to drag the lower half of the aptonoth away, but tristan snarled "hey man! I wanted that part of the aptonoth!" He growled "nuh-uh! This is mine!" Joey hissed, they than started fighting...again...duke groaned and walked back to his little shady spot while taya and the other two giggled "what are we gonna do about them" she said with a sigh.

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