part 1-love at first sight..?

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The next day, kaiba awoke at the crack of dawn, he yawned and stretched before walking out of the cave to hunt, he looked around, and his eyes locked onto the largest one, the alpha male of the herd. He crept close to the heard, hiding in the bushes, only to perk his head up when he saw a flash of black fur go by and tackle his target.

Kaiba was slightly startled from the sudden flash, he lept out of the bushes to see a nargacuga with black coat of fur biting onto the male aptonoth's neck, kaiba felt...odly entranced by this nargacuga, there was something about him that he liked, no...loved. kaiba snapped out of his entranced state and he stood strong, he walked over to the other nargacuga and killed a young female aptonoth that was hiding nearby.

Yugi looked up from his kill and he saw kaiba, he had the same reaction kaiba had to seeing him, but he snapped out of it alot quicker "uuh, hello..?" Yugi said, kinda nervous about kaibas sudden appearance "hey." Kaiba simply responded "...was this gonna be your kill..?" Yugi asked "yea, but you can keep it.." kaiba insisted "ok, thanks...uuuh...." "kaiba, the names kaiba." Kaiba answered yugi before he could ask "ok! Thanks kaiba, my names yugi by the way!" Yugi said with a smile.

'Yugi huh? Cute name.' Kaiba said to himself "nice to meet you yugi, but I can't stay long, I have a little brother to take care of." He said as he clutched the aptonoth in his jaws "ok...well...mabe we could see eachother again sometime..?" Yugi suggested, kaiba nodded before he dragged the aptonoth back to the grove that he and mokuba stayed at, yugi let out a sigh before he to grabbed his aptonoth and brought it to where his friends were.

Part one finished up, I will add a new part to the story every few days or so, pls be patient and enjoy what is there for now! ^^

love in a cruel world (yu gi oh monster hunter AU)Where stories live. Discover now