part 2-heart thaw

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Kaiba was laying down at the edge of the pond in the grove he and his brother lived he was currently sleeping after he had finished eating the aptonoth he caught, he groaned when he felt someone jump on his head and bite on his left ear, he lifted his head up and opened his eyes to see mokuba "mokie......can you get off of my head please..?" He said as he cocked an eyebrow "sorry bro! Not until you tell me why you have been so quiet!" Mokuba giggled, kaiba growled and stood up "it's none of your business....." he said as he tilted his head to try and shake mokuba off "are you ssssuuuurrrreeee?" Mokuba teased.

Kaiba sighed "yes, I'm sure.." he said as he shook his head to try and shake mokuba off, but he only clung tighter "I know you're lieing, tell me what your hiding seto!" Mokuba said to his HIGHLY annoyed brother, kaiba let out an aggressive sigh "fine....I met someone earlier today....and-" he said, but he got cut off by his brother saying "ooooooooo seto's got a ccccrrrruuuusssshhhhh!!!" "N-no I dont!" Kaiba said to his brother as he climbed off of his head, flustered.

"ssssuuuurrrreeee you dont..." mokuba teased, kaiba rolled his eyes and stood up, walking out of the grove "when you come back from your walk, make sure to return with your girl and/or boyfriend!" Mokuba called, kaiba mumbled and rolled his eyes as he kept walking, he came to the large clearing in the ancient forest and drank from the lake, he looked up to see a familiar coat of black fur, yugi was here aswell.

Yugi looked up and saw kaiba "hey kaiba!" He said, smiling, kaiba felt his heart nearly skip a beat, he could feel his body become warm and tingly,
'what is this emotion!?!?!' He asked himself, but before he could think of an answer for himself, yugi was beside him "kaiba?" He asked, kaiba slightly jumped as he heard his name and he snapped out of his zoned out state "huh-wha..?" Kaiba said as he turned his head frantically, looking around until his eyes locked onto yugi's, ocean blue meeting amethyst purple, kaiba stared into yugi's eyes for afew minutes until he finally snapped out of it and said " you anything....?" He said nervously.

"Wanna hunt?" Yugi asked "nah, I already ate." Kaiba said to yugi "oh...well....wanna meet my friends?" Yugi suggested "I guess..." kaiba shrugged "alright! Follow me!" Yugi said before he started running, kaiba quickaly began to follow him, eventually coming to a spot with a waterfall that poured into a small lake, along with afew palm trees here and there, he looked around and noticed a glavenus resting underneath one of the trees, along with two mizutsune in the lake "so....these are your....friends...?" He said to yugi, feeling wierd saying the word 'friends' "yep! The glavenus is duke, the big mizutsune is taya, and the smaller one is serenity!" Yugi said to kaiba "there are two others, but I guess they arent around-" yugi  continued before looking up, seeing joey and tristan diving down towards kaiba.

Yugi jumped out of the way and kaiba narrowly did aswell when the two bird wyverns collided with the ground, the two stood up and stared at kaiba, snarling "stay back yug, me and tristan will handle this stranger!" Joey snarled as he rattled his scales "yea!" Tristan snarled as his scales glew orange, the two stepped forward towards kaiba, but yugi ran infront of them and pushed them back "guys stop! Hes with me!" He said to the two bird wyverns, the two stopped and looked at yugi, suprised. Kaiba chuckled "I'm sure i could've taken care of them, especially the seregios, he looks like a paratoad is enough to whipe him out." Kaiba said as he walked past joey

"hey! Not true! A paratoad isn't enough to defeat me, I've fought one as big as your ego and I survived!" He said proudly "ppfftt, yes, more like you fought one as big as a flashbug and got paralyzed." Tristan giggled "gggrrrr.......hey! Stop making me look like a doofus!!" Joey snarled "heh, make me!" Tristan said confidently, joey growled and tackled the bazelgeuse, duke groaned "will they ever stop...!?" He said tiredly "I dont think they will....atleast they'll be all tuckered out at the end of the day." Taya said as she looked at the fighting wyverns.

Yugi sighed "anyway....the bazelgeuse is tristan, and the seregios is joey." He said to kaiba,"you sure do have some....interesting friends.." he said as he continued to watch Joey and tristan fight, yugi giggled nervously "yep.." he said as he scratched the back of his head. Later, yugi and kaiba where staring at the sunset, both of them 1 foot away from eachother "I'm glad I got to meet you kaiba." He said as he looked at kaiba, kaiba smiled at yugi "same here." He said as he looked back at the sky, the two nargacugas had their tails twined around eachother as they stared at the sky, kaiba stood up and said "I need to go back to my brother, I cant leave him alone for too long." To yugi, yugi nodded "ok, feel free to meet up again anytime!" Yugi said to him, kaiba smiled and started to walk away, heading back to the grove he and his brother lived in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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