She's Partially Healthy Chapter 11

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Third P.O.V.

Bucky, Tony, and Steve watched as Bruce examines Dorothea-Lavern. 

The young girl had passed out, just like Bruce had predicted and the man was now examining her for major injuries. 

" Who could do that to a child? " Steve asks no one in general. " She's so small...who does that? " 

" Evil, evil people. " Tony spits in slight anger. 

Bucky's heart slightly clenches at the sight of the bruises littered on the girls' arms and legs. His mind wanders back to earlier when the girl clung to him as if her life depended on him. 

" She had to have been taken care of...I mean, when I was in that room, there were pictures stuck on the walls and some initials written on the floor. She had a little stuffed animal thing and there were pieces of thick burlap cloth stuck in cracks in the cell window. " Steve shakes his head. " Poor girl. She doesn't look like she's ever been out in the sun. " 

" The girl's so pale..." Tony mutters. 

" She has a name. " Bucky says in a slightly harsh tone, surprising himself and the other two men. 

There's silence for a moment as the guys watch Bruce finish up. Bruce walks out after washing his hands and peeling off his gloves. 

" So, doc. How's Dorothea-Lavern? " Bucky asks. His nervous emotion surprises him. 

" Well, " Bruce sighs as he washes his hands and turns to look into the window facing the little girl. " she's extremely lucky she hasn't died of disease. " 

The three men listen carefully as the doctor talks. 

" She hasn't had any shots...ever, and she's malnourished, but not malnourished enough to die. That's the strange part. " Bruce shakes his head, confusion is clearly seen in his body language and facial expression. " Every single person in that base, every prisoner, like Dorothea-Lavern or...Bucky has died or almost died of severe malnourishment. This girl...she's been fed decently. She's been cared for. Her nails are long but cut decently at the tips. For a child held in a cell and captivity for her entire life...she's...well, she's almost...normal. I mean, she can walk, she can talk easily, and she is bigger than most children in her situation. She should be skinnier, shorter, and have multiple diseases and infections. She has nothing. No welts, no major cuts, no bruises, no recent scars. There are scars from when she was younger, but she has nothing from the past few years. " 

" What are you saying? " Tony asks.

" Someone's been taking care of that little girl. " Bruce points at Dorothea-Lavern.

" But...who? " Bucky asks. Something about this girl seems...familiar, to the damaged man. He just can't lay his finger on it. 

" I don't know. She keeps saying you...but that's not it? " Bruce asks Bucky. He looks between the girl and Bucky. " Do you know this girl? " 

Bucky watches Dorothea-Lavern with a concentrated expression. " No. I don't know this kid. I don't remember her. I don't know her. " Bucky shrugs and stares at the girl. 

" Well, then someone else has been watching her. We need to find out who. Do we know anything else about this girl? " 

Bruce looks down at a clipboard in his hands. " I believe she's eleven or twelve-a little mature for her age, she's got no visible disabilities, no emotional stunts, she's very timid and quiet, and she has absolutely no trust for anyone but Bucky. " 

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