Chapter 18~ Believe

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Dani’s POV

The last few months have been hectic to say the least. Demi has been busy with the first leg of the 'Demi World Tour' and I have been busy being the stage manager for it. We both finally had a break to come home and visit family for the holidays. Justin plead guilty to third degree aggravated assault so there was no real need for a trial, but I still had to testify and trust me when I say that it was hard. There were times when I looked at Justin and I thought he would stand up and yell obscene things. Then there were times when I looked at Justin and I could have sworn that he was crying. At the end of the trial, the judge gave him a chance to speak. Justin took his chance, he turned around and spoke to me directly.


“Mr. Bieber is there anything you would like to say?” the Judge asked Justin

Justin stood up and turned towards me and opened his mouth. As he did so, I felt my breath get caught in the back of my throat. Oh no here it is, he’s about to yell obscene things to me I thought to myself. But boy was I wrong.

“Dani, I know what I did to you can’t be taken back with a simple sorry but know that if I could go back in time and change the past…well I would. I’m not asking for you to forgive me because I don’t deserve that and I know that. But I am asking you to do one thing and that is take care of Selena and love her in the way that I never did. She’s an amazing person and I regret breaking her heart. Treat her right Lovato. I wish that I never laid a hand on your because you’re amazing and talented and kind. I want you to know that I really am sorry Lovato” He said

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I gave him a weak smile. Both Demi and Selena grabbed my hands giving them a squeeze. I looked and studied him, Justin was wearing a prison orange jumpsuit, and he didn’t even look like himself. His eyes were sunken back and he just looked terrible all around. Justin was sentenced to 2 years in prison and 5 years of probation. I could live that that sentencing.

End Flashback

Today, I am fully healed from the attack so that was a blessing. Thanksgiving is in four days and tonight I am flying out to Arizona and I will be visiting Justin in prison. Demi and Selena don’t know that I am going to visit him, I told them that that I've been talking to a designer in Sedona when we were out there a few months ago. It wasn’t a complete lie because I actually was talking to him. I wanted to revise the designs for the necklaces that I spoke to him a few months ago. I made one for Demi, Selena, Dallas, Maddie and even our mom. They were going to be somewhat similar to each other but still custom. It was a Christmas present for all of them. For Eddie, I still have no idea what I was going to get him.

I fly out tonight, so I was currently packing a small bag for myself before Demi and Selena both drove me to the airport. Since I work for them and my sister is signed to them, I was flying on the Hollywood Records private jet which was easier for me. We were leaving for LAX in 15 min and my flight was in an hour and a half.

Once my bag was packed, I tossed it into the trunk of Demi’s SUV and then walked over to Selena’s apartment. I was about to knock on the door when the door flew open and I came face to face with Selena. She stepped back and I walked inside just enough to close the door. Before the door was completely shut, Selena stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around my neck while my arms wrapped around her waist, soon enough my lips were on Selena’s lips. It was a usual thing between us, the kissing I mean. I’m pretty sure I now understand how Demi feels when she kisses Nick because when I kiss Selena it was like I was floating on cloud 9. We didn’t even have to make out for me to feel like that, a simple peck on my lips always left my breathless.

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