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 So here's some drama with me, Rosie

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So here's some drama with me, Rosie. Hi, yeah that's me.

I'm a high schooler, hopefully going to get out soon. I hate high school. But what I hate about high school, is relationships.

You walk down the hall, just trying to get to your cursed geometry class when you see random people being all lovey-dovey at lockers and stairwells. Or walking super slowly down the hall when I'm the type of person that's trying to push through everyone. I'm a speed walking mom, ma'am.

I also hate crowds. I have social anxiety, but that's another story. I just hate people.

But relationships.

I have a friend, we will call her Aubrey. Aubrey is one of my best friends. (And I don't have many) She has this huge crush on this Junior, Dan. Dan, is a short, well kept guy. He's nice.

He also has a girlfriend. Amy. She's a freshmen, and we both equally hate her with a burning passion. We are theatre kids, and she's one of those freshmen that think they are so entitled because they are now in the high school.

Grow up.

Anyways, so Amy dates Dan, Dan dates Amy. And want to know what's tomorrow? Valentines Day.

Our school does a thing, for a dollar you can anonymously buy someone a flower. So Aubrey got one for Dan.

I have to hear about all this stupid drama, and it makes me sick.

I, Rosie. Hi, that's me. I like a guy. We will call him Dylan. It's not a crush, I've liked him for a year. He is in my level. And like any other guy, he is stupid.

I don't have a crush on him, I like him. He's a great guy, and I don't care what he does, as long as he is happy with it. I'm also not forward with my feelings, but we don't need to talk about that.

But, the issue is, Dylan is one of my best friends, too. I don't know if he thinks the same but we have been friends for a while and I'm comfortable with him.

I've been good about pushing my feelings down, not thinking about them. But yesterday, this little loser decides to be all nice to me.


The day before that, he asked if I liked peanut butter. I said, why yes of course. So yesterday, he walks into class in the morning, fumbling with something in his pocket.

We have first period together so we hang out before class starts and stuff. We also have sat next to each other all year, and the way my teacher does seating is random and by cards. So, god only knows why, but we sat together for a while. But now, I sit far away from him.

So before class starts, I sit in his seat because he's the type of guy that stands for hours on end until he's like fine.

So we are sitting there talking and stuff, and he keeps fumbling with something in his pocket. Then the bell rings, and I go to my seat.

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