Let's Play!

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After an awkward night of Lucas avoiding Mark and Mark staring at Lucas, the two pretended nothing happened. The older of the pair did have a disturbing dream of Mark standing over him shirtless with dark eyes drilling into his sleeping form. Still, he chalked that up to the uncomfortableness hanging over the dorm room.

Mark left earlier than usual that day, but not before watching Lucas rub his lucky cat's head and squeeze the Chinese red knot hanging from his traditional lantern. As soon as Mark got to class that morning, he was rushed by Yuta, Donghyuck, Taeyong, Jaemin, and Jaehyun. They wished him a happy birthday and told them about the plans they had made. It involved going to a club and drinking their way into another drunk person's bed. Mark was on board with it but couldn't focus once Lucas entered the room. Neither of the boys ever acknowledged each other's existence in class, but the memory of the Chinese man's deep growl from the night before made Mark shift in his seat.

"I want to fuck my roommate," the Canadian whined to his friends at lunch. "He caught me jacking off last night, and now I need to fuck him." All of his friends dropped what they held along with their jaws at their usually confident pal's tone.

"Fuck your...roommate? That giant guy standing over there with Johnny and the group of Chinese students? Fuck him," Taeyong asked uncertainly.

"I think you mean, 'Get fucked by your roommate.' I don't think that guy will ever take something up the ass," Jaehyun agreed. Donghyuck looked at his best friend with concern. He remembered Mark's only boyfriend from high school and how it changed him from a sweet, willing to please boy to a somewhat selfish, sex addict man.

"Are you sure," Donghyuck whispered to his childhood bestie.

"Yeah, I just don't know how to go about it. I teased him last night, and he flipped his lid, threatened to break my dick if I did it again, but it just made him hotter!" Yuta, always the helpful friend, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black drawstring bag.

"Happy birthday, Mark," he said as he tossed the bag across the table. "Let's ax the club tonight and celebrate this weekend." The Canadian opened the bag slowly and poured the contents out in his hand. It took him a second to register what was sitting on his palm, but as soon as it connected, he started laughing loudly.

"Yuta, you're a genius!" In his palm laid three six-sided sexual dice that would be perfect for bringing his fantasy to life. Jaemin kicked the birthday boy from under the table, effectively pulling him back to the present. The younger man jerked his head, gesturing to the blank Lucas approaching the table with two of his friends pushing him as subtly as possible.

Of course, the two knew what happened the night before and wanted to see what the younger boy did when Lucas gave him a present. Lucas wasn't going without a fight, though. When the trio finally reached the table, Lucas unceremoniously placed a personal cake in front of Mark and a Chinese red knot. He gave a flat, "Happy birthday," before walking past his friends. Kun and Hendery waved at the boy before running after their friend and asking him numerous questions, all of which he ignored.

Mark smiled at the small cake and dug in while he looked up the knot both he and Lucas had. "So he wants me to be lucky, huh," Mark said aloud. "Well, I hope it works. I'm aiming to get lucky very, very soon." His friends just laughed, though the second youngest of the bunch looked uncertain.

As the group split up for their next class, Donhyuck caught his friend's sleeve and told him, "Just don't start something you'll regret." Mark just smiled and walked to his next class, one he, unfortunately, didn't share with Lucas. He didn't understand why Hyuck was making such a big fuss about wanting to sleep with Lucas. His first and only boyfriend was a guy from high school. Daniel was his single male crush to date, though he had had his fair share of one night stands with guys.

Daniel asked him out, dated him for six months, and took his virginity. To Mark, Daniel was an unpleasant memory that only resurfaced when someone mentioned it. He looked back on Kang Daniel as the guy that took a lot of his firsts: first kiss, first boyfriend, first time, the only time he's bottomed, and his first humiliation. Daniel cheated on him and very publicly broke up with him after telling everyone he'd fucked the Canadian.

A month later and a picture of Mark with his tongue down, some older girl's throat surfaced around school, and the rest is history. To the young man, there wasn't any way to have a repeat of Daniel, because, in the end, he knows he could just move on with his life. He wasn't one to dwell.

Mark rushed out of class to find the tall, ash brown-haired man he was looking for. He knew Lucas always walked through the hallway heading toward Moon-Song Hall and was committed to heading him off there.

He was right on time as he popped through an open corridor, scaring the taller man enough to make him jump. "Hey, Lucas," Mark said, incredibly loudly. "Let's play a game tonight!"

"No." Lucas walked around Mark with Xiaojun hot on his heels while the westerner followed behind.

"Come on! It's my birthday! Just play a game with me this once!"

"That's weird, no! We're too old for games." Mark gasped as he jumped in front of his roommate.

"Xuxi, we are never too old to play games. I'm the birthday boy, and I get to decide what we do tonight, and I say we play a game!" Lucas looked around impatiently as people began staring at them as they passed.

"Look, if I say yes, will you go away and stop making a scene," Lucas said as he bent his head down to whisper harsh words in Mark's ear. The Chinese man's giant hand unconsciously found it's way to the boy's shoulder. His thumb came all the way up to touch the bare skin on Mark's neck, making him shiver slightly.

"Yes," he said.

"Fine, I'll play a stupid game with you. I'll see you back at the dorms." Lucas turned and rushed away from his annoying roommate, leaving his confused friend behind. Mark smiled as he watched the large man scurry off and disappear into the crowd. After a moment, he glanced at the Hong Kong native's friend and gave him a polite smile. 

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