Bonus: Work it Out

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At a university campus, there are a wide variety of people that come on to school grounds. You have friends and family visiting students or inquiring about classes they can take in the next school year. High school seniors touring the facilities to try and make the important decision on if they want to go to that place or keep looking, or find a job instead of going to school. And sometimes, an asshole comes to see an old friend.

"Mark Lee is that you," a disturbingly familiar voice called out. Mark and Lucas turned around to see a tall, buff guy standing in the hallway with a  smug smirk. The shorter male froze, his eyes narrowed in contempt as he gave the mystery guy an icy grin. 

"Bitch stick! It's been a long time," Mark replied. Lucas looked down at him with a confused look before noticing how rigid the Canadian was. 

"Daniel," he whispered under his breath. Mark nodded as the guy came closer with an obnoxiously cocky walk. 

"It's been a long time," Daniel greeted. "How's my toy been?"  

"Great since I got to stop looking at your STD ridden ass," Mark replied flippantly. The tall man stopped in front of the pale boy and gave him a sly grin that made Lucas want to slam him into the wall. 

"Always the funny one," Daniel said. "Is this your new owner?" The buff man shifted his eyes to Lucas, who was glaring holes into his soul. "How's my old toy been? Still moan like a bitch?" Lucas stepped forward, going toe to toe with Daniel and looked down at him with narrowed, hateful eyes. 

"Usually, I'd walk away and say you aren't worth the time or effort it would take you to stomp your face in, but I have a few minutes before class to make an exception if you don't shut your mouth." Daniel gave the tan Chinese man a mock look of terror before leaning to the side to see Mark. Before he could really get a glance at the black-haired boy, Lucas put his hand on the agitator's shoulder and pushed him back a few feet. 

"Are you stupid or deaf? Do I need to say it in a different language for you? 离他远点。อยู่ห่างจากเขา. 그를 멀리하십시오. Stay away from him! Just walk away and do whatever it is you're here for and stop wasting our time." Daniel's eyebrow twitched as Mark stepped out from behind Lucas and put a small hand on his arm. 

"It's alright Lucas. I don't care what he says, he doesn't know me but I know him. He doesn't have anything important to say, he just wants to get attention. Let's go to class." Mark wrapped his slim fingers around his roommate's bulging bicep and started pulling him in the direction of their sociology class. 

"If you wanted to go blow him in the bathroom, you could have just said so. I know how good you are at it," Daniel called from behind them. Everyone in the hall watched the three in anticipation of what would happen next. It wasn't a secret that Mark slept around but he was known for topping literally everyone he fucked and the videos were rolling as his private matters were announced to every person in the vicinity. 

Mark stopped, rigid in his place as his ex that took his virginity and treated him like he wasn't worth anything more than a couple of tumbles in bed, just told everyone what he had done in the privacy of his own room years prior. Yes, he had blown Lucas several times since they agreed to help each other out whenever they needed it, but his roommate would never tell the whole hallway that. He wasn't that kind of man.

Lucas, on the other hand, was not frozen in place and was in fact, rather explosive at the way this guy talked to his boy. He turned around and in one clean move, slapped Daniel across the face with a loud smack! sound, which made the Korean man nearly fall to the side. The first slap was accompanied by an equally beautiful and smooth bitch slap that did send the man to the ground. 

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