Mark wants to mess with his shut-in roommate Lucas. His friend Yuta gives him sexual dice as a joke gift for his birthday but Mark decides to play with an unwitting Lucas.
*credit to all media owners*
Mark pranced into his favorite shop to pick up a few things he needed to add to his collection before he went home to play with Lucas. He was still trying to work out how he would convince his roommate to actually do the actions the dice presented and so far had come up with zilch. The man working the counter waved to his friend once he entered. Taeyong and Doyoung had wanted to own a shop together since middle school and after years of saving up and learning how to operate a business, they opened their first store, "Witching Hour Fantasies" overwise known as the town's best sex shop.
A person of all kinks and fetishes could find something to cater to their needs in the simple store, from handcuffs, to butt plugs, vibrators, whips, blindfolds, to the hardcore stuff they kept in a separate room only a few customers were willing to go. Mark had been in there a few times but didn't see anything that catered to his interests. As of now, he didn't need a gimp suit or have the room for St. Andrew's Cross, but one day he wanted to have his own personal sex dungeon. If one were to look, or in Mark's hopeful thinking, Lucas, were to look in the black folder on his desk, they would find several layouts and supply lists for said dungeon.
He smiled as he browsed the neat shelves, tossing the things that caught his eye into his basket. Mark had studied the dice in detail while class droned on and on about nothing entertaining or useful. After he scanned the store top to bottom, the giddy young man bounced over to the counter and sat the nearly full basket down. Doyoung gave his younger friend a big, gummy smile before pulling his things out. "Happy birthday, Mark," he said as he rang up the items. "I see you have big plans."
"Yep," the birthday boy said cheerfully. "I'm going to fuck my roommate!"
"Good for you," Doyoung said excitedly. "I thought you said your roommate hates you."
"Well, he does and he doesn't. He got me food last night, my favorite food, after I annoyed him and he still gave it to me after he caught me jerking off!" Doyoung, ever the bold exhibitionist, applauded the man in front of him for his daring.
"That's a bold move, I'm proud of you!"
"Yeah, but I also teased him by moaning his name and he threatened to break my dick. I swear, in the five years I've been having sex, I've never been turned on by someone's voice like that. Yuta gave me some sexy dice and I bugged Lucas into playing with me tonight!" Doyoung smiled down at the watermelon scented lube he placed in a black shopping bag.
"Just don't get in over your head. Tae said your roommate is giant, so don't piss him off and make a birthday spanking into something worse." Once everything was in the bags, the co-owner went to the register, tapped for a second and grinned at his friend. "Birthday boy gets everything half off." Mark beamed at his lanky friend and handed over the cash before skipping out of the shop to his car.
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The room was silent when Mark came in. It was rare he got back to the dorm before Lucas, making him a little shocked the tall man wasn't crammed in his desk. In no time, Mark had added his new toys to his collection and arranged the three most important things for his 'game.' The dice, the collars tricking Lucas into picking the submissive role, and Lucas's most precious possession: his notebook.
The Chinese man had several notebooks and outlets for taking notes, but the most important of all was his black notebook. The thick leather-bound book was full of daily notes, class notes, and if the younger roomie cared to look, a section recounting wet dreams and fantasies. The Hong Kong native thought he hid the book well enough in the depths of his study supplies but the nosey boy sleeping five feet away from him found it.
By the time Lucas arrived at the dorm, he had already picked up dinner for the two and finished his homework in case Mark's dumb game took longer than expected. He walked around campus with the mental image of a childish Mark setting up Hungary Hungary Hippos or Twister, a stupid game that would waste several minutes of Lucas's precious life. "I'm back," he called as he locked the door. When he looked up he was shocked to see Mark sitting on his bed in black jeans and a black wife beater.
"Hey, Xuxi," Mark said lowly. He grinned up at the taller man and stood, coming far too close to Lucas for his liking.
"Hi..." Lucas drawled awkwardly. "I brought dinner." He handed the bag over to Mark and turned to set his heavy backpack down next to his nightstand. When he turned back around, the shorter of the two was standing right up on him with the same sly grin.
"Thanks, Lucas," he said lightly. "Do you want to eat first or play?" Lucas walked over to his desk and sat in it backward so he could see his roommate. "Or do you have homework to do?"
"I already did my homework. I'm yours for the night. How long do you think the game will take?" Mark smiled wide as he looked at the dinner Lucas brought him.
"That's good. We can play all night, or at least until we're too tired to keep going." Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Mark was making it sound like they were going to be doing something dirty.
"Um, okay. What game is it, anyway?"
"Oh, Yuta gave me some dice. I'll tell you about it after we eat." Mark patted the spot next to him on his bed and set up his travel table for them. "Come on, it's weird if we eat across the room from each other."
All throughout the meal, Mark watched Lucas with a dark smirk. He paid attention to the man's fingers, the way he swallowed his food, and the way he shifted around in his spot. Once they were finished and everything was thrown away, Mark pulled out a bag with the logo of the shop facing away from his unknowing playmate. "Pink or black," he asked.
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