Chapter 1

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When we are children we have these dreams of becoming doctors, lawyers, or of becoming famous. You never expect that your life can change by a single decision, but I can tell you, that the one choice you make; can make all the difference. I never thought in a million years my life would lead me to this point. Just when I thought I could finally turn my life around, the past catches up with me and my mind is completely bewildered. Now I have the option of starting anew or hanging on to what I thought had disappeared so long ago.

I, Adriana Stanley, at the age of seventeen was halfway through my second senior year of high school. Winter was over and spring had finally sprung, in fact it was the first day of spring. And that exact day, I met the one person who would change the course of my life forever.

I ran through downtown Vancouver, the place I have called home all my life. My long brown hair that I wore on top of my bun with the underlay of my hair down flew behind me. Yep, I was late again as usual. It's not that I hated school; it just started so early, and the time it takes to get there is unbelievable! A girl of my standards needs her sleep, for whatever good it does to my body and mental health. I mean with brown hair, blue eyes and an athletic body, I wouldn't consider myself beautiful, but I heard sleep could make you look livelier, whatever that means.

I found my seat in the classroom just as the morning bell rang. I sighed with relief; I really didn't want detention, again. I had it every other day for the past couple years of my life. The linear system really screwed me up, since my school had recently changed over from semester. Now, we had to start at eight for a half hour of homeroom. What a waste of time.

"Good thing you made it Adriana that would've been your third day late this week!" I looked over at the girl next to me. Erin Aino, my best friend on the Earth! We've known each other since we were three. When I was at a park, I had just finished making a castle in the sandbox when this big bully destroyed it! I began to cry and Erin came over yelled at the punk and kicked him in the leg. He took off crying. Erin comforted me and together we made an awesome castle. Since that day we've been inseparable, the best of friends!

I grinned, "You're telling me! I'm so sick of writing 'I will not be late for class' over and over!" We both laughed. More times then not we both had detention at the same time, usually from talking and being late for our classes. Stupid time changes.

Erin is so full of energy! She uses it on sports, especially soccer, and tracking down what she liked to call 'the perfect guy'. She never had much luck though. Some people would say Erin and I could pass as sisters because we looked a whole lot alike, but I thought she was so much prettier than me. She has mid back length midnight black coloured hair that could pass for being dyed. She would always pin back with her trademark blue clip, which she has had since she was in preschool. Erin's eyes are a honey brown and she had the perfect body. Oh, how I wanted to look like her. Even though she is from a different origin then me, we look a lot alike.

"Class, it's time to start," Ms. Goddard, my homeroom teacher, commanded to my energetic classmates. She looked around the room and her eyes stopped on me, "It's nice to see you actually on time, Adriana." I blushed as I heard snickering blanketed the room. She took a stack of papers from her desk and began to pass them out. "Erin nice job," she sighed and handed me a paper, "I wish I could say the same for you, Adriana."

My eyes bugged out as I saw the grades threw out my interim report card, "Ms. G, this can't be right! I really worked and studied this term!"

"Where have I heard that before?" she groaned, "Adriana, I'll believe you studied and worked hard when I see your grades rise! Now have that interim signed and returned to me!"

I let my head hit the desk and sank into my own world of misery. There were four interims a year and two report cards a year.

"Oh, Adriana, it's not that bad," Erin tried to comfort me in the hallway on our way to lunch.

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