Chapter 9

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I gazed down at the golden band that embraced my ring finger. I traced the engravings in the surface, and over the three diamonds embedded like stars. It had been almost a year and a half since the wedding and a lot had changed, including me.

I finished pinning up the final bronze roll a top my head, and glanced in the mirror at my distinctive barrel shaped hairstyle that truly stood for me, the real Adriana, the happy Adriana.

Switching on the radio, the first song that came through the speakers was a new release by Jerry and Alexia. They were back at it, traveling the world and recording new masterpieces. I was proud of them. They even came and visited with us ever now and again, to see when my next story was going to be released.

I picked up the stack of mail on the hall table and flipped through them, two bills, a letter, and a postcard. I put the bills down and read the postcard. When I read the news, a smile caressed my lips. It seemed that Heidi had finally found the perfect man and they were going to get married! I would have to call her and get all the details. Everyone I knew was finally getting their lives they wanted.

I put the card down and took a seat on the floor in the living room where wrapping supplies laid in a pile. I cut a long piece of sky blue paper and stretched it out on the floor. I placed a box of two baby blue jumpers and some natural infant necessities on top of the paper. I wrapped it up and stuck a navy ribbon on it. I wrote, 'To: Jordan' and grinned at the name of Erin and Brent's upcoming baby boy. Erin was due in a month and she was bursting with joy, and, of course, Brent was thrilled that he got to decorate Jordan's room with sports attire. It had been a big scare when it could have been a girl and Brent had started to decorate the room with baseball and hockey decor.

Putting away the leftover supplies, I glanced around at the clean house, which I had lived in for a little over a year. It was a beautiful home with a spacious backyard where I planted a lovely floral and vegetable garden. Though I loved it here, it was hard moving from the condominium, especially for Mariam. She hated leaving Scarlet. With Jerry, Alexia, and us gone, I thought Allisa would be lonely. Little did I know that she would become very close with the new tenant who now occupied my old living area. His name was Dr. Henderson and he cared for Allisa and Scarlet a great deal, a lot like Matt did for Mariam and I. I wouldn't be surprised if, besides Heidi's, another wedding took place soon.

The radio changed songs and an old one of Out of View's came on. I smiled; Matt had finally found someone to love that loved him back. I had introduced them a while after I had became close friends with her. How did I meet her? Chris had introduced us. She was a very unique young woman, living at the Corner Store in town. Just like Chris, she had gone to London to become a doctor. Her name was Heather Neil and she was as sweet as could be. She was the one that explained to him how stupid he was for leaving Vancouver, and convinced him to return to me, even though she had feeling for him. That gave her a high spot in my book. We became good friends and I realized that she would be perfect for Matt, so I introduced them. My assumptions were right. They have been dating for well over a year now and by the sounds of it, Matt was going to ask her to marry her. Weddings are all around for me now. It is going to be hard for me to go to them all and get everyone a gift.

I clicked the power button off and the music ceased. Slowly, I opened the door to Mariam's room and found her drawing on the floor next to Dixie and Tony who were snuggled in a basket. I bent down next her and glanced at her picture. It showed Dixie, Tony, and some kittens, not yet coloured in. I pointed to the figures, "Are they Dixie and Tony's babies?"

She nodded then propped her chin up on her hand, "I wish they would hurry up and get here."

I smiled at her anticipation and rubbed Dixie's large stomach. It was confusing on how they are now having kittens, and not before. But, animals are very unpredictable, just like people. "These things take time, and don't worry it won't be much longer, only a few more days."

"How many do think she will have?" she asked as she stared at the yawning cat.

Shrugging, I replied, "I'm not sure, maybe three. Remember, we'll keep one and Scarlet and Allisa want a couple. They love kittens just as much as us."

"I hope we get a girl! I have the perfect name for her!"

"What's that?" I asked.

"I like the name Eliza," she said.

"That's a beautiful name, Sweetie," I heard the clock ding; "It's getting late. Why don't you go get washed up?"

"Okay," she put her crayons down and went to pick a nightgown out as I headed into the other room. I gazed out the window at the mixture of pinks, yellows, and purples as the sun set over the horizon. I pushed open the glass and spent some time there breathing in the evening scent.

Unexpectedly, two arms wrapped around my waist. Without looking at him, I leaned back against his recognizable body and wrapped myself in his warmth. A kissed landed on my cheek and I smiled. "What were you thinking about?" his handsome voice asked me. I could never get tired of hearing it.

I twisted in his arms to face him. I brushed his lips with my own then moved away to look in his eyes, "You."

He smiled and pulled me closer to him, "Sorry I'm late. There were two patients in a car accident this afternoon. One had internal bleeding."

"Are they all right?" I asked with worry.

"After Dr. Ransom and I operated on them they were," he affirmed.

"That's good," I laid my head against his chest.


We turned to the door were Mariam stood in her pink pyjamas and bunny slippers. He smiled and went to pick her up in a hug. "How's my princess?"

She giggled, "Can you finish the story tonight?"

"Sure. Go get the book and hop into bed. I'll be there in a second," he set her down and kissed her on the head as she left to do as he said.

He returned to me and gave me a quick kiss. I returned the gesture and smiled, "I'm almost done with my book. I'm going to try to finish tonight."

"All right, but don't work too hard," he kissed me once more and headed toward Mariam's room.

I entered my small office area and sat down at my desk. I open to the page I had stopped at and clicked my pen. I thought for a moment, but nothing came. Then I listen to Chris as he read the story to Mariam, both of them giggling at the funny parts, and then moan at the bad. I remembered the past, which my story was written about and smiled. The ending came to me, so I watched the ink flow as I moved the pen over the lines. When I had finished, I read what I had written and a smile made its way onto my face again. I closed the notebook and dropped the pen into its holder. I headed to my daughter's room letting the words echo alone in my mind.

'Everyday in life we aregiven choices. Some change out lives forever, others make our lives better thenbefore, even though it doesn't always seem like it at the time. You can nevergive up if your choice leads you the wrong way. Keep that light burning brightwith in yourself and guide yourself threw the forest to the end, where youchange to make another choice. But to make these choices easier, always keepyour three sparks a glow, for they can fan out and make your light strong oncemore. The first is your family and friends; your drive and comfort, the ones whowill push and pull you threw it all. Your second spark is your experiences,from the past to the present. Lessons learned will always serve as a guide youat the most difficult times. And the last would be your own hope. If all elsefails, keep your hope burning bright within. For when your family or friends,and even experience doesn't want to help you, your hope will. These are threekeys to helping you threw your choices while you are traveling life's journeys.Since life is like a journey its self, it's smooth, but it also has it jaggedpoints along the way.'

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