Chaper 10: The Second Part (Quests Part 2)

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(I forgot to remove the sketch layer on the art when I drew it so that's why there are random gray lines. And I didn't know what eye color to give "them" because... there is no eye color in the game.)

Like the last chapter, I'm going to explain this one. So, like the first part, this chapter will have not historic events, except for a reference here and there (although I'm not totally sure if there will even be a reference). This chapter will have the end of Max's adventure and a part of Emz X Poco.

Max's POV

Max's eyes burst open as she heard rustling in the nearby forest. She tried to move, but then she remembered her injuries. Her whole body tensed, and she stared intently in a small glade.

"PANCAKES," a robotic voice said from inside the forest. Max sat up, listening to each and every footstep that the creature made.

Soon, a mini PEKKA came marching out of the forest and looked at Max.

Max's voice was shaky, but she tried to sound brave. "W-Who are you and w-what do y-you want?"

"I am here to give you medical assistance, Ms. Max. My master spotted you on his radar and from seeing such a poor helpless creature he sent me." The mini PEKKA answered. She walked up to Max and before Max knew it, The mini PEKKA transformed into a gurney with medical equipment attached to it. The mini PEKKA assisted Max onto the gurney. Soon Max was rolled into the forest, and she fell into a deep sleep.

When Max woke up, she was in a strange room, to her left was the mini PEKKA that had picked her up and to her right, there was a man with orange hair and a blue hat atop it. Max tried to get out of the mysterious room, but she was tied tightly down. She stopped struggling, and, realizing her situation, the poor thing started crying, not even realizing who the man standing over her was.

After looking at the girl with pity, the man pressed a button on a remote and the restraints released Max.

Max opened her eyes, and she finally realized who the man was. She sat up, wiping away her tears. "H-Hello, sir."

"Please, call me 'The Builder'." The Master Builder replied. "Now, brawlers don't come this far away from home for nothing. Why have you gone all this way?"

Before answering, Max moved her leg. Her injury felt only like a small bruise now. "To find you. The brawlers are in a dire situation, battling against Clash Royale. Their military is much greater than ours but most critical, us brawlers can't respawn when killed during the war until the war has ended. A few brawlers have already had near-death experiences. We need your help."

"Hmmm," the Master Builder thought. "There hasn't been anything thing this bad since- never mind. I can see how I can help, although I might not be able to help the brawlers personally. How are your friends working on this problem?"

"Well," Max said as she thought about everything before her journey. "General Shelly commanded healers Poco and Pam and botanists, Rosa and Bea, to find out how to get the brawlers to respawn. The healers would try to find
out if the reason us brawlers didn't respawn during the war was because of a change in the brawler's elixir, and the botanists would try to find out if the reason the brawlers didn't respawn during the war was a difference in the soil."

"Interesting..." The Master Builder pondered. He shook his head as the mini PEKKA delivered mushroom soup to the two. As the Builder took the soup, his eyes lit up. "Ahah!"

"What?" Max asked, almost spilling the scolding soup.

"Of course! You can take my best PEKKA, PHantom Radar Energizer Electronic, or, Phree." The Master Builder exclaimed. "Surely she will guide the brawlers to victory."

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