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"Alright love birds, it's time to go." Hoseok said, a small smile forming on his lips as the four left the restroom, stopping in the hall as they hid from everyone else.

"Okay, we need to get past those security guards and towards the exit right behind them. It will lead us to the back of the building." Jimin pointed towards the back.

"We need a distraction then." Jungkook spoke up, everyone agreeing with him.

"Right, you and Jimin will cause the distraction while Yoonah and I fight off as many people as we can." Hoseok said.

"Be careful." Jungkook whispered in Yoonah's ear before running off with Jimin. Hoseok taking her a hold of her wrist as they then ran through the crowed, making their way towards the other side of the ball room.

A screaming coming from the front of the room.

Yoonah looked over to see two large black panthers running around chasing people. If this wasn't a bad time, Yoonah would of started laughing from how dorky they look.

She shook her head, turning her head to focus back on to Hoseok.

Three males started running towards them. One charging at Yoonah while two went straight for Hoseok.

A smirk was adorned Yoonah's lips as her eyes shown. A rush of energy running through her at hyper speed.

Once he was right in front of her, she dodge his hits before doing a right hook straight to the temple. Him falling and hitting his head against the marble floor, going unconscious.

Yoonah ran to one of the men Hoseok was dealing with. Scratching him on the face, blood being drawn before punching him in the gut. A groan escaping form him as she then lifting her right leg, kicking him in the face. Sending him tumbling on to the two unconscious men. And note, she did all of that in a dress an heels.

Hoseok gently grabbed her by the arm, dragging her towards the exit. Hearing Christopher shout not to far away.

A roar erupting from unknown being in the room. Everything going silent as people cleared the area, pushing past both Yoonah and Hoseok.

She could clearly see what was going on now.

Two white tigers with crystal blue eyes were circling both Jimin and Jungkook in the center of the room.

"Yoonah, stay here." Hoseok ordered before shifting and jumping into the circle. Then everything turned into chaos.

Her blood began to boil as whimpers could be heard from the guys. Claws on claws, sharp teeth cutting into one another.

She started to feel hot. Sweat forming at the base of her neck and the top of her forehead. Bones breaking and healing at an incredible pace.

She bent over, clutching her stomach.

And then everything changed.

One minute she was standing there, doing as Hoseok said.

And then the next...

She uncontrollably shifted into a full on panther with vibrant green eyes and razor sharp teeth.


Word Count: 497

𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃│𝐣𝐣𝐤 √ (𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now