The Inquisitors

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The Inquisitors are one of the few nations that each and every other nation fears. For while the Inquisition's lands may be small and their holdings few they have a strong army and if they so choose can call down a crusade upon any other nation and receive the support, money and men, of any of the other nations. The so-called Iron Fist of the Inquisition is a man who's very presence on the battlefield is enough to make the enemy's will waver and fear to wash over them. A single swing of their mighty blade is enough to fell a line of men. The ever watchful Eye of the Inquisition strikes fear into the hearts of any that would do evil. The sight of it in the middle of the night as torches blaze causing the metal to glint and shine as the heavy booted stamp of soldiers searching for and finding those hidden dens of evil is enough to make any that have doubts come forth and expose them to the sight of the Eye. If ever you visit their headquarters be sure that you are of pure heart and sound mind or otherwise they will "baptize" you and make you pure hearted and sound minded.

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