Múl: The Bringers of Order

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There is nothing wrong with slavery. After all we are in the right, the gods say so. They would not allow us to continue our practices if they were not sanctified. With enchanted shackle and mystic art imbued lamp and lantern we shall spread across the world. All shall fall before us and serve. The gods will forgive the atrocities we must commit in order to bring order to the world. The world has need of us, the Bringers of Order, to absolve them of their sins and rid the world of foul creatures that serve no purpose.

Go forth our armies. Wage war upon Chaos and bring Death to those that would resist our most holy Order. Capture and Enslave those that are fit to serve us. Execute the rest. And to any that comes across a beast most foul; Slay it, Slay it without hesitation, even if it costs you your life. To those that lose their lives in our holy pursuit of Order know that the gods will bless you and give you all the honors and gifts due a follower of Order

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