The Army of Slaausan

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Instead of having an army filled with their citizens and forcing their precious people to risk their lives the people of Slaausan instead use their magic and crafting abilities to create smaller golems, which they use to fill the ranks of their armies instead. The golem armies of Slaausan are no joke either, hearing the clanking and thudding of thousands of heavily armoured creations with no sense of morale and an unceasing need to follow orders is.. dread inducing to put it lightly. The way the light glints off their armor as they, in an instant, come to a complete stop without even a shouted order inspires awe in their allies and the most complete terror in their enemies.

Merciless and unceasing they march forward, trampling any who stand in their way. Clank-Thud... Clank-Thud multiplied by the thousands... That is the sound of your doom should you oppose the Slaausan. And should you really upset them... They may send one of their Giannavuk opposing Colossi out to end your... your everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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