Chapter 13, The curiosity...

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After Sakura left, I turned my head toward Sasuke not sure if I should thank him for standing out for me or if should scold him for talking that way to Sakura

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After Sakura left, I turned my head toward Sasuke not sure if I should thank him for standing out for me or if should scold him for talking that way to Sakura.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked curious
"Hmph, don't flatter yourself. I just don't like her attitude" Sasuke answered indifferent.

I sighed. I didn't imagine Sakura would became like this. I thought we were best friends... Suddenly, my phone vibrated. My heart began to beat like crazy. "Be home by 01:00 AM. It's an order. R"

I knew pretty well what that meant. I felt my stomach trembling and how my face began to burn. My hands and forehead got sweaty and I could feel a strong chest pain. I didn't respond to Sasuke's questions.

"Oi, Hinata. You ok?"
"Um... Yes..." My body felt numb.
"You look like you've seen a ghost" he continued frowning his eyebrows.

"I... I must go..." I mumbled then I rushed outside the house trying to find a spot where I could calm myself down. I didn't want someone to see me like that. I found a tree that was pretty far from people and far from the streetlights. I leaned on one hand, while I had my other hand on my chest. I bowed trying to catch my breath. It was a panic attack and it felt horrible. Tears fell down my face as I couldn't breath. I felt like I was about to have a heart attack and die in any moment. 

When I thought it couldn't get any worse, I felt someone's hand on my back. I raised my head and saw Sasuke Uchiha standing next to me, holding a glass of water with one hand while the other was on my back.

"Do as I say" he ordered. "Breathe in. Breath deeply from the abdomen then hold it like that 5 seconds"

I tried but I felt tightness in my chest.

"Now breathe out, slowly."

I did as he said.

"Close your eyes and repeat"

After few minutes, my breathing slowly stabilized and my heart calmed down. Sasuke gave me the glass of water and I took few sips. I wiped my sweat from my forehead and drank the whole glass of water. In all this time Sasuke didn't said a word and all he did was stare at me with a serious look.

"Thank you..." I murmured. "I'm sorry you had to see that" but he remained silent. It was getting awkward because he was staring at me like I were a sick person who is about to die soon. Or maybe that's my own view of myself. Sasuke then finally said something.

"My mom is at work tonight. If you want, we can watch a movie at my place. This party is getting lame"

I looked at him stunned by his proposal.

"I promise, is nothing more than just a movie. You can pick whatever movie you like" he said putting his hands in his pockets. I looked at him but his expression seemed honest. I had to think. If I go home, Raiden will be there... Maybe if I stay longer at Sasuke's, Raiden will go to sleep and after that I can go home. In that moment, staying with Sasuke was a better idea. So I accepted.

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