Chapter 20, The light...

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Hello everyone! Sorry for such a late update and thank you for bearing with me. Hope you'll enjoy this chapter. I can't wait to know your reaction in the comment section.

Hope everyone is safe and sound.


After that moment, I realized that Sasuke really trusts me but I have so little trust in him

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After that moment, I realized that Sasuke really trusts me but I have so little trust in him. Sakura's plan worked out pretty well because of this, but I don't want to let it happen again. I will start to trust Sasuke. At least, it seems that he's not my enemy.

"Want to go to my place and watch a movie?" Sasuke asked breaking the hug

I looked in his eyes surprised by his invite after all this drama. Also, it has been a while since I was at his place. I might as well enjoy the night as Raiden is out of town.

"Okay" I accepted

Sasukes lips arched in a small smile.

"I will call a cab" he said pulling out his phone.

I sent Tenten a message to let her know that I left and went to Sasuke's place.

We arrived at his house and we stopped in the kitchen because Sasuke wanted to grab some chips and soda. As he was busy finding snacks, I waited in the living room. My eyes fell on a photo frame that was put upside down so that we couldn't see it. I picked it up and saw a group photo. I recognized Sasuke and his mother right away but there were two more persons. Sasuke was small there.

"What are you doing?" I flinched as I heard Sasuke behind me. I put the photo just as I found it and turned towards Sasuke.

"S-sorry. I saw the photo face down and I wanted to lift it... I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok" he cut my words, "just don't touch things that aren't yours" he said with a serious tone.

"O-Okay" I answered. He was right. I shouldn't touch peoples personal things.
I followed him upstairs and sat on bed.

"What movie you want to see?" he asked
"Um, whatever you like"
"How about a animation?"
"Yes, I like animations"

And we both started to watch a Disney animation. Funny, I never thought Sasuke would like this kind of movies. It felt nice. Sasuke kept his distance as he sat on the other side of the bed giving me enough space to feel comfortable. I liked that. Somehow, I felt safe here. Here nobody could hurt me again.

I looked few times at Sasuke and for some reason, I couldn't help but imagine myself with him. As a couple. For a second, I liked the image of me and him walking on the street , hand in hand. 

But then I remembered about Sasuke being in that gang. I couldn't accept being with someone that's involved in dangerous illegal activities. What if when I need him the most, he gets hurt or even worse. I might lose him because of that gang. I don't want to go through that...  I felt disappointed and turned my sight at movie.

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